Twirling Tattoo Ch. 25

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I found Lawrence in the armory. He saw me as I walked in and grinned.

"Hey, guessing from the look on your face I suppose you found out about the mark I left," His smile faltered as I just stared at him.

"So it's true then? I'm your wife?" I said slowly and he winced at the term.

"Based on our laws then yes you are," he mumbled and I looked at him for another long moment before my fist went into his stomach. The worst part of it was that I had trusted him and he just went and decided to marry me without my consent.

"I never rejected you," I said to his hunched form and he glanced back up at me.

"Didn't you?" He gasped and I shook my head. "That's not how I saw it. Every look I gave you was a suggestion but you didn't know that I guess." He nodded slowly straightening himself out again. I didn't let him get all the way up before I broke a couple of his ribs. I was used to hurting people but not in anger and it dried up as I saw him hack up blood.

"How can I divorce you?" I questioned dragging him to a chair and he sat down slowly into it.

"You can't. There isn't a way to get rid of it," he replied and I glared at him.

"There's no way? Not even the smallest chance?" I repeated border lining on desperation. His hands folded over the broken bones and I watched as his tattoos went into his skin and bound his ribs together. It was never painful for a Selenium to heal themselves but they took the pain that they healed. With a small sigh, I reached out and touched his broken nose gently. It cracked back into place and I put the broken bone into my fingers and it spread out then disappeared as my own markings went into my digits. They cracked slightly as they mended and he pulled my hand away from his face.

He pulled it on his chest and I felt his heart racing. My eyes met his for the briefest moment before the door slammed open. It revealed the sea king. He didn't seem too happy either.

"You're the Arctic Prince!" He accused and I felt a small smile curl my lips.

"I am your majesty," He bowed to Aquean and put a handkerchief to his upper lip to wipe off the blood. The handkerchief disappeared, along with the blood, into his pocket and he straightened up.

"I'm still going to rid this world of useless human beings. They killed our queen and they'll pay for it," he announced bluntly and I stared at him.

"Is the queen that woman on the statue?" I asked slowly and he nodded confused.

"She was my mother," I breathed and he stared at me stunned into silence. I sat down slowly next to Law and he put his arm around my shoulders.

"You're a princess huh?" he leaned towards me and I stared at my hands. I didn't know why it came to me with such a state of shock. She had always had that fighting spirit that would've made a great warrior and a good queen. I suppose I just didn't expect it to be so obvious.

"You're my sister," Aquean breathed and I looked up at him. He didn't seem to know what to do with this knowledge and he stared at the two of us in defeat. I didn't' know what to do with the sudden information and I stared back at him with the same amount of confusions that he had with me.

"Sir! We have the merpeople ready to landing. What are your orders?" His general asked knocking on the open door and the king looked at me once again. His face hardened against any emotions that he might feel and anger replaced them easily.

"They killed our mother. They'll pay," He said quietly for our ears only and I stood up to grab his arm.

"You do that and you'll be fighting against me," I told him and he nodded understandingly.

"We must do what we must do. If you believe in the humans that much than I guess my new sister will become my enemy," he mumbled and walked strode out of the room with his shoulders drooping slightly.

"He's going against everything she ever taught me," I stared after him in shock and Lawrence stood up and took my hand. I turned to him and he hugged me gently.

"I guess this means we're in the same boat. Our siblings just aren't that good to us," He pointed out and I felt a nervous giggle break the surface of tension that had been building inside me. His arms pulled me closer and I let him. I wasn't sure what to think at the moment so the connection didn't hit me until I noticed the mark on his neck.

"What's that?" I touched it thoughtfully and he twitched.

"I don't know. It appeared after I bit you," He answered and I remembered the forced marriage.

"I haven't forgiven you," I informed him and he shrugged.

"I didn't expect you to," He shot back honestly and I pulled away. This wasn't the time for petty arguments to begin. I should be making allies not enemies. Then again, I'd never had a lot of people skills to begin with. My tattoos didn't seem to notice my dilemma and practically latched onto Lawrence's markings with a possessiveness that I didn't know they had.

"I never read about tattoos getting attached to mates," I noted dryly and he winced visibly.

"It only happens in very rare cases when two pure breed older lines find the mate they've been supposedly looking for all their lives," He muttered hoping to not get hit again but I wasn't listening. I was watching the entwining of our markings and how beautiful it was. Reaching out, I touched them gently and they forcibly pulled my hand to Law's heart. It was pounding in his chest and I looked up at him to see him look away.

"It's a reaction. I feel like this whenever I see you," He whispered mildly embarrassed and I touched his mouth softly with my forefinger. I pulled his head down for a soft gentle kiss and then let go of him. He stared at me with dazed eyes and I blinked at his glazed expression. Before I could flee, he dragged me to him and French kissed me for what seemed like eternity. When he finally released me, he bent forward and pulled my shirt out of the way to touch the mark he had put on my neck. He kissed it lightly and started putting gossamer kisses on my neck. My brain was getting fuzzy and I could feel the blood starting to rush through my body making it unbearably warm.

"Stop," I groaned as butterflies made their way to my stomach and he nibbled on my ear.

"What good would that do?" he murmured into it and I felt a shiver go down my back.

"I haven't forgiven you yet," I responded not all that sure that I hadn't. With a sigh that seemed to make the earth move, he pulled away and recalled his tattoos from mine.

"You're not making this easy," he told me putting a hand on my cheek and I broke away running from the room.

Author's note: I suppose I lied but the replies I got made me so happy that I decided to spread the joy. Thanks for the suport! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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