Twirling Tattoo Ch. 36

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Chapter 36

"You got married?" Finn stared at Law in shock and he grimaced at the accusation.

"Some of the worst years of my life," he scowled at my grin.

"How did you manage that? I thought you would die if you ever had sex with someone other than Naomi," he frowned, his confusion growing and I hid my growing smile behind my hand.

"I told her she wasn't my type," he replied trying not his hardest not to get angry but my snort pushed him off the edge.

" be blunt, you're a womanizer," he pointed out and Lawrence glared at him.

"Don't beat around the bush. He told her that he was gay," I burst out laughing and he just glowered at me. Finn looked amused and seemed close to laughing himself.

"Get on with the story! I don't have time for this," he muttered darkly and I let him off the hook.

As soon as Rayne found out that Lawrence was getting married she knocked him out and brought him to the castle gates. She then told me quite bluntly that she was moving and there was nothing that I could do to stop her. So I went with her. She had wanted to move down to the sea where she could swim and we found a quiet village on the outskirts of Arctic territory.

"Isn't this nice? I can even be myself here! They think that red eyes and white hair are gifts from the gods," she purred letting her cover disappear and her true appearance came out. She had always made herself a bit shorter because of woman's normal height but she wouldn't have a problem with that there. The women in that village were huge. Her red eyes and cloud white hair, she got from her father, were indeed thought of as the gods' gifts and there were a lot of men asking for her hand in marriage because of it. It was almost amusing if they hadn't called me Namas meaning "little bird" in their language. They found it nearly funny watching me dance. Until I nearly killed one man when he got too close and tried to catch me. He wasn't able to get out of bed for the next few mornings. We spent a nice quiet year there

"Namas! There's someone here for you," a bright lilted voice called from outside and I stretched outside of my small house to see where the voice was coming from. Aquean met my gaze squarely as I approached them with a wave of wariness.

"Namas? Naomi, what are you doing here? I thought you were captive of the royal house in the capital," he stated looking amused and I waved away the bystanders. They scattered knowing what I would do but Rayne came running up to us looking the younger half of eighteen.

"Well, this is a surprise! I could've sworn you were in love with Lawrence not Prince Aiden! You two fit so well together too," he mourned examining her.

"She's not my mother! She's my caretaker until I reach twenty-one in Quartet years!" she protested and his eyebrows shot up.

"A Quartet? Those haven't been around since our mother was little," he exclaimed looking at her closely. I decided not to answer that at all and instead went back inside my home with Aquean following me. The villagers stared at him with mild curiosity

"How's King Warrel? Not killing himself over our mom anymore right?" I asked hoping for a positive response. I got one.

"He's taken every inch of power out of my hands until I get to my hundredth birthday. It would be horrible if I hadn't realized that you would hate me if I had taken over the human world," he replied.

"Good. Why are you here?" I repeated and he frowned at me.

"I'd hate to be your father under these circumstances. I've found a brother for you. His name's Vincent and he's a so called scientist. He's been looking for a certain plant in my kingdom and I've stalled him by telling him that he'd find it in the northern region. It's not actually there but it's in the southern region where the pink coral grow and..." he began another subject and I held up my hand to stop him.

"Don't you mean our brother?" I corrected him and he shook his head.

"No. Your mother took a mate after she had me and they had the two of you. They got separated during the Argon War and your mother took you while your father took him," he offered and I stared at him for a long moment.

"How did you know that he was my father too?" I asked curious and I saw Rayne slip outside.

"He brought this weird thing called a picture and he made this strange thing called a syringe. It can go into someone's skin and get all sorts of things out of them! I've heard it hurts though..." he scowled rubbing the inside of his arm as if he had gotten the shot himself. I thought it over for a few moments and he muttered about the abilities of the new invention but I didn't really listen.

How many other brothers and sisters did I have out there? Why did my mother get pregnant with two different people? Answers to those questions were only in the past and at the moment I wasn't going to dwell on it. Plus, I had to make sure that Rayne wasn't getting herself in trouble. Standing up abruptly, I strode out of my small home to go look for my charge. By the time I had asked everyone one in the tiny village, they all thought that I had lost my marbles when the last ones told me that she was in my cabin. Walking back with a minor headache, I yawned ready to get some sleep. Finding out that you have yet another sibling in the family wasn't exactly easy.

I opened my small door only to have something rush at me. Catching it, I spun around and thrust it back inside only to have it flip me on my back. Before I could land I did a swift backwards handstand and kicked the unknown person in the gut. However, he caught my leg and forced me to hold my position and he glared at me through the dark with the same eyes I had. He then proceeded to try to drag me back into the cabin but I managed to get a good grip on the ground and launched the rest of me forward. He had to drop my appendage to fight me off so I was able to take out one of my knives and put it to his throat. He stopped dead watching my nostrils flare. I was about to ask him who he was when Rayne and Aquean ran out with a bag. They could only stare at us with morbid fascination. I felt my prey shift ever so slightly and I saw Aquean's eyes widen.

"Don't!" She cried before I could do anything but that was when I saw a rather sharp object pointed at my chest. A small smile slowly appeared on my face and his features mirrored mine. Letting him go, I circled around me ready to strike when he threw the object on the ground in surrender. He went to get his bag with a shake of his head and eased it on his shoulder. I saw his tattoos as they wrapped around his bag warmly.

"I don't think I could do that again," he chuckled pushing his red hair out of his face and held out his hand. "The name's Vincent and you must be the little sister that Aquean was telling me about."

Author's note: Thanks for the support! Don't forget t o vote and comment (I'll give you a kitty cat :P).

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