Twirling Tattoo Ch. 14

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Author's note: This does have a tad bit of some gruesome material. Not as bad as something's I've written but I'm putting the warning on here just in case. So read it if you want. Don't blame the author if you get mad, I warned you. Thanks for the support! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Chapter 14

The day after I agreed to meet the princess went too fast for me. There weren't any attacks and I got to sleep in another hour. It was mid morning when I finally woke up and the small kitten was the only reason why I did. Smiling at her, I stroked her fur and she started purring. Her milk cup was empty and I had to get up to put some more in it. The kitchen boy who had constantly tried to kill my prince was there and just glowered at me the whole time that I was asking for some food. I was able to out from under that stare after I got back to my room and freshened up. The rest of my day went boringly. Nothing happened and I was able to just relax through it.

Unfortunately, I still had an appointment to keep that night and I arrived right before eleven. I knocked cautiously on the door Rucio had told me about and it swung open to reveal the princess. The hunger in her eyes was unmistakable and gazed back at me with a vengeance.

"Remember, no fighting," she breathed in my ear before shutting the door. Within moments, she had me tied to a whipping post and unable to move. My tattoos were gathering around my back before she lightly touched me there and tsked.

"I don't need you healed right after every lash! Although...that would make it much better for me," she said thoughtfully but my markings moved to the front of my body. They swirled around on my torso like an angry bee hive but they didn't start really moving until the first whip lash came down without any warning. I gasped with the stinging pain and she giggled.

"Doesn't it hurt? That's how I felt when your people started killing mine. This one's for my happiness," she smiled and I felt a knife go into my back. When did she switch weapons? I thought and saw my tattoos slowly drip off my body. She dragged the knife through my skin and I saw the blood mingle with my markings. It hurt but when I remembered the slavers I just stopped feeling. I drifted away to the place where I went with the slavers and I don't even remember when I passed out.

I woke up in my room with bloody sheets and my tattoos working furiously to try to heal my wounds. The kitten I had saved was mewing at me and I painfully raised my hand and patted her lightly on the head. It slid off and hit the bed with a slight thud. I would've rolled over onto my stomach if I had the energy but I didn't have it and I laid there watching the sun slowly come up over the horizon. It hit my face with warmth that drew away the coldness of the dungeon and I watched as my markings slid off my arms, stomach, and legs. They formed a figure in front of me and slowly became another version of me. My clone reached down and kissed my forehead with all the tenderness of a mother. She smiled at my surprised look and pointed to the bed in a silent way of saying stay here. Before she left, she carefully turned me onto my stomach and put her hand on my back. I felt her heal the wound and then pull the blankets up to cover me. I didn't hear her come back in the room to refill the kitten's cup because I was too deep in sleep.

I woke up to my own horror back where I had first passed out. Only I was on my back with my stomach facing up.

" seems you survived the day fairly well. I'm surprised. Most people would be dead from what I did to you yesterday but're really persistent on living aren't you?" she murmured looking down on me and I saw the same hunger as yesterday only it was more intense this time. When I didn't answer, she pretended to pout before holding something that I didn't want to see, a tattoo needle. My tattoo ran for cover on my back and I had the audacity to glare at her. She slapped me hard and I gasped for breath as the stinging sensation started up again. As soon as she put the needle to my skin I wouldn't be a Selenium anymore. The only person who could recharge me as one would be my prince but then I'd have to go to being his slave. I wouldn't mind it but I would have to tell him about my deal with his fiancée and I didn't want to ruin his chance to have a slightly normal marriage.

"Don't," I pleaded with her and she glanced over at me.

"Don't what? Don't put more markings on you? Why? It's only going against everything you believe in. You won't be a Selenium anymore. Then I can have you for my play toy. Rucio's looking forward to having some fun too. Aren't you Rucio?" She asked someone behind her and I lifted my head to see him standing in the shadows looking like he had lost all hope. Fury at this woman for controlling me like this went all around me and my tattoos covered my stomach in protest against what she was about to do.

"Rebelling? Isn't that against our agreement?" she asked and went to put the needle on my skin.

"Sister! I demand to know the meaning of this!" Prince Lawrence burst in the room and saw what she was about to do. Shock and fury mixed in with the incredulity and he knocked the needle out of his hand. With the ease of doing it before, he quickly untied me and picked me up. That's when he saw the blood from my back. It appeared that she had lashed me to wake me up and I was just now feeling it. Gasping, I grasped his neck and he picked me up gently trying his hardest not to touch my wounds.

"I haven't gone near your prey before but you know what's riding on this marriage. I don't give a damn what you do with anyone else but you touch her again and I'll be the one to cut off your head for assaulting a defenseless woman," He growled and she laughed.

"It was her choice! She didn't want her precious prince getting killed!" she giggled and I stared at him in shock when some tattoos made their way to his face. The blood started to drain out of her face and I looked at my reflection in his eyes to see that those were my tattoos not his. I reached up to feel them against his skin and I sighed, familiar, it felt so familiar.

"I don't give a damn whose choice it was. She gets hurt by you, Aiden get hurt by you, or Linessa gets hurt by you, any of them even so much as complain and I'll make sure father never knows where your body is," he threatened and she gapped at him.

"That's sacrilegious!" she yelled moving towards him and with the same whip that hurt me. She raised it to hit him and my markings rushed out to seize her hand.

"Don't...touch him," I uttered and she stared at me.

"Are you breaking our agreement?" she asked and I glanced at her.

"I'm destroying your agreement," I replied and the prince turned to leave.

"Why were you interrupting me?" she called after him and his highness looked back at her.

"I was wondering who had gone through my room looking for some medicine for some back injuries. I had only kept some in my lower dresser drawer and it was gone," he gently jostled me and I winced.

"I'm sorry for what my sister did to you," he said honestly as we left the room.

"It is what it is," I mumbled before passing out.

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