Twirling Tattoo Ch. 30

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The woman that stood before us wasn't supposed to be there. I hadn't sensed her and neither had Lawrence from the look of it. Then again he knew her.

"Lacey! What are you doing here?" He exclaimed and she glared at him.

"Watching you cheat on me...again," she replied stiffly and he winced to glance over at me. I refused to say anything.

"I have something to tell you," he began backing up to where I stood and he took my hand gently. Lacey's pale faced went white and I watched as she searched law's face for any sign of humor. When none came, she just waited for the other shoe to drop.

"I've chosen to have Naomi as my mate," he finished with a sigh and her eyes widened.

"You're joking right? This is all just a big joke! You and I will laugh about it together later on tonight in bed while she's sleeping. You know we will!" she insisted grabbing his arms and he tried to push her away but she didn't let go of him. I knew he couldn't show his tattoos so mine went in his place to push her away. She glowered at me for a silent moment before slapping me hard.

"I've been with him for four years! How dare you even think about cheating on me!" She shrieked and slapped me again. Her nails had scratched my skin and I put a hand to my face and drew it away, I was bleeding. Law tried to grab her wrists but she managed to get away from him and grinned sadistically.

"I'll tell them all you know. I'll tell every single one of them that your giving up the marriage. How will your father react to that? I know he won't be too happy," she taunted him and it worked.

"Tell them then! Tell them everything. Tell them how you cheated on me with my own sister and how you stayed with her first. You only came to me when you found out that I didn't mind sharing and that you might be able to get in my pants and my royalty by being where you are," he hissed and I looked from one to the other. They were like savage dogs in a ring who had been starved for the very occasion. I wanted to get out of there but I wasn't able to. I was in the middle of this whether I liked it or not.

"You bastard! I only went with her first because you said you never had two toys at the same time but now I can see that you never wanted me in the first place. You just wanted the prince's little whore," she spat and I was the one who punched her in the face.

"Speak of my prince like that again and I'll kill you," I informed her impassively. "Call me a whore and I'll make sure it's slow."

"What? Not going to defend your mate?" she cackled and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why should I? He has his fights and I have mine. You shouldn't speak ill of people who aren't here," I answered calmly and she put her hands around my throat.

"I could kill you right now," she boasted and I had the audacity to chuckle.

"Kill me? Your body's ruined to the point that I can't even distinguish it from the dead. Pale skin, watery eyes, long uncombed hair, and nails that need to be cut, not to mention the disgusting state of your clothes, you couldn't kill me if you tried," I pointed out harshly and she tried to squeeze my throat but without success. "Not to mention that I'm a Selenium and I'm able to hurt you faster than you can see."

This information seemed to shock her and she took her hands back. As she started towards the bed, she sat slowly down on it and stared at me. Her eyes stared tearing up but stayed locked on Lawrence.

"You're serious about this," she mumbled and he nodded silently. He glanced over at me and I looked back at him. I didn't give a damn about her but I could see that he was still attached in some odd way. Without a word, I walked out of the room and into the corridor. I could still hear them talking but quietly now. I felt a slight pressure on my mark that turned into a burning. It went past burning into a stabbing pain as I kept walking towards my room. The stabbing turned into a ripping sensation that made me look at the mark finally. It was bleeding and I could see that it was actually trying to rip itself open. My tattoos didn't go near it and I didn't persuade them to. I knew what the sensation meant and at the moment I didn't care.

Betrayal is a lonely feeling. I felt betrayed because I knew that he had slept with her every night for the past month that we had gotten back together. The sad part was that I hadn't paid any attention to the pain because I thought it was a natural reaction to my body but now...I knew. I knew what he had done. I didn't know what he was going to do about it and frankly at that point I didn't care. By the time I had reached my room, it felt the ripping sensation had become oppressing. Well, since he didn't want to admit that he was still attached to her then I'd give him a wakeup call.

I pulled out one of my knives and took off my shirt without any hurry. I had time. He wouldn't finish before I was done although he might feel it in his own mark. I gently pulled my hair out of the way and stared at my naked shoulder with its gaping wound for a long moment before I took off the knife. My mother had always taught me that the best way to heal an infected wound was to cut off any of the infected pieces. Pain had never bothered me since I had always been able to dance it off but this was something different. I let the knife slide easily into my skin and I let it cut around the mark to get the skin from around it. My tattoos interfered by sewing my skin back together without the mark. I stared at the healing wound and touched it with the most gossamer of touches. It still felt sore but the ripping was gone and I didn't feel any other pain besides the healing.

I put the skin in a small handkerchief and put it in my pocket. It looked like some sort of flaying and in truth it had been. I had however found a way around having him as a mate. Now was the time to give him the news. It wasn't a long climb to his chambers but it felt like I couldn't get there fast enough. I didn't even realize that another part of my body was hurting until I stopped at his door. I put my hand over my heart to put it lightly over the sore spot but I snatched my hand away again before I could recall why it hurt. Gathering my resolve, I slipped into the room, only to find, Lawrence being cut by a knife by Lacey.

"You hurt me. You promised me every night that I could hurt you back. Why? Why did your eyes go so distant a minute ago? Listen to me!" she yelled at him and slashed his face. Anger, white hot and pure flashed through me as I finally got the truth straightened out. I grabbed her wrists and broke her arm to get the knife from her. She fought hard but not hard enough to even come close to beating me.

"You hurt Lawrence. You hurt him because of your own screwed up problems. I hope you rot in hell," I hissed and drove the weapon into her heart. She roared in pain but I didn't stop. I couldn't. Not until I saw Lawrence being devoured by his own markings. They were everywhere on him and I watched as they crawled along his body like insects before I pulled his cocooned body towards me and whispered the very words that he had been searching for the entire time that he had let Lacey harm him.

"I forgive you."

Author's note: Thanks for the support! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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