Twirling Tattoo Ch. 19

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Chapter 19

"Is that the end?" Finn asked impatiently and I chuckled.

"Would you like it to be?" I replied and he shook his head unhappily.

"It leaves too many questions unanswered," He responded and I nodded. I couldn't blame him for being right.

"Well, that's true but by the time I was healed and ready to move around it was near Yuletide and there was a huge fuss about what to do with the Argons staying in the palace. The princess was in exile and the contract was void in that area so my prince had to step in and handle negotiations with the king. It was lucky that during that period I was still healing but then winter came around and I was lucid enough to understand what was going on. Everyone had decided to settle in and no one was about to move. Tynan came around that time too so he appeared around then," I told them and leaned back against the pillows.

It was a light, frosty morning when I was first able to get out of bed and I found myself face to face with a young boy no older than ten staring at me. His ringlet curls gave him away as to who he belonged to but his hazel eyes said a different story.

"Are you alive?" he whispered in a conspirator voice and I nodded, sitting up. He jumped up to help with my pillows and I smiled as he fluffed them up for me.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously and he smiled a huge grin at me.

"My name is Tynan of the Dragons!" he proclaimed and I stared at him. This small boy was a dragon? I thought he was of royal human blood. He looked enough like Law and his family for it to be a close match.

"Well Tynan of the Dragons, what brings you to my room?" I asked slowly getting up and stretching my limbs. I was still in a state of shock that I had survived the Death Dance.

"I'm the king of Dragons and I smelt your presence! I already saw Ms. Linessa and she told me that I smelled you not her. She said it in a funny way though. She seems mad at you," he informed me and I sat back down with a thud. A king of dragons and Linessa's mad at me, what a great way to start my journey back into society. Tynan just kept smiling at me and I glanced at him mildly.

"Why are you so interested in me, your majesty?" I questioned getting up again. I had thought it was a good idea to ask Law why Linessa was mad at me and started getting dressed.

"You don't mind, do you, your majesty?" I said after changing clothes and the dragon shook his head.

"I get sacrifices that are naked all the time! I don't know why though," He frowned and followed me out the room.

"You never answered my question," I reminded him gently and he smiled at me.

"I don't feel like answering it," he stated and I shrugged. It didn't occur to me that he might take me away and kill me. He just didn't seem like that kind of guy.

"How old are you?" I asked suddenly and the dragon looked blankly up at me.

"I'm over a thousand years old and I still look like this! Isn't it horrible! Royal Dragons age so slowly!" he pouted and I held back a sigh. It wasn't any use getting exasperated. By the time I got to the prince's room, I had learned most of the Dragon King's likes and dislikes including chocolate parfaits and lots of pretty women. He was a strange dragon, I'd give him that and every time I told him so he just grinned at me. As I reached up to knock on the door, Tynan's small hand intercepted me.

"You don't want to do that," He commented and I lowered my hand.

"Do I want to know?" I sighed and started walking towards the battle ground where I had fought.

"There's a man in there with a woman named Lacey. He keeps murmuring her name," he replied not missing a beat and I rubbed my face. This was not a good welcome back to life present. Turning around, I decided to go see my prince about why Linessa was mad at me when Tynan put his hand in mine.

"Your prince is in bed with the same girl your about to go ask about," he briefed me before pulling me out into the sunlight.

It was snowing outside with a soft gentleness and I looked at the frozen ground. The bodies that had been piled high were gone and so was the red stain of blood.

"I made it rain for a week here after you defeated them. I thought it was a good idea to get them all gone before you woke up again," the king said pulling my hand and I went out in the cold winter air.

"How long was I asleep?" I demanded, putting out my hand to catch the snowflakes. They melted on my palm.

"A whole season! It took me forever to get you on your feet again. Now Phyralis is controlling the dragons for me while I'm here. I trust him though," he claimed proudly and I glanced at him.

"Who is Phyralis anyway? I know he's tried to help me by killing my prince but it didn't work out too well," I mentioned and the snow started falling more heavily. The ground was soon covered in a blanket as I awaited his answer but none ever came. The king seemed to be looking far off into the distance and I wasn't about to disturb him.

I felt the snow hit my nose and a small smile appeared on my face. There was a dance that expressed how much one loved snow and it was called accordingly, the snow dance. I walked over to a small plot of snow that didn't have any footprints or disturbances on it and I started with a soft turn in the snow. It started off slow with growing turbulence until I was moving with a jerkiness that didn't appear anywhere else. As I finished my dance, I opened my eyes and looked at the dark clouds in the sky. It would snow for awhile and I would be able to dance my snow dance again this year. Breathing a deep sigh, I looked over to where the king was and saw him watching me. His eyes were filled with a deep sorrow that I couldn't place and I walked over to him.

"You're so beautiful when you dance," He said and tears started running down his face. An old understanding crossed it as he stared at me and I reached up to wipe his eyes as my prince had done with me on many occasions.

"You shouldn't cry unless you have a reason too," I said to him and he reached out. Taking my hands, he looked at them for a moment before looking back up at me.

"You have no idea what you are do you?" he asked his eyes filling with tears again and I shrugged.

"I'm a Selenium that enjoys dancing. What more is there?" I said and he hugged me.

"So much more," he uttered into my stomach and I hugged him back. It was true there was much, much more that I could do with my powers but what would suffice to make me happy? Nothing that I wasn't doing already.

"Then let time show me," I said to him and he let go. "He's the only one that can."

Author's note: Happy holidays! Thank you for your support and don't forget to vote and comment!

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