Chapter 19

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It was the day of their wedding . 

It was the day of their wedding.

It was the day of their wedding.

TODAY , IS THE DAY JOHN WATSON GETS MARRIED ! John thought when he opened his eyes , the past few days had been rife eith anticipation , Sherlock was at Mycrofts and John stayed at 221b with Mrs Hudson . John jumped out of bed and stood there , he didn't know what to do with himself . 

His phone buzzed and he span around and leaped onto the bed to get it , dear god he was hyperactive that morning . He had a text from Sherlock . 

Turn on the radio 82.3 x - SH

I scrabbled across the room , the sunlight shining in my eyes and turned on the radio , and tuned it in. I heard the presenters voice then speak out , 

" Ok , sooo, today we have a message from ...Sherlock Holmes , to one Dr.John Watson, today is their wedding day , congradjulations guys and Sherlock said , John , I am beyond lucky to have you in my life , never mind for you to love me , look at me , being sentimental , but today John , is  just the start of our lives together , and we've been through alot already , but who knows , on our honeymoon , there could be a nice criminal for us to go and catch together " The presenter said , laughing towards the end , 

" Isn't he the detective guy , John Watson does the blog ? "  he heard the other presenter say ,he grinned , tears in eyes because of his Sherlocks words . 

" So , have a great day guys and Sherlock has requested a song .....500 miles every body"

John couldn't think he could grin any wider as her heard the first lyrics of the song . 

when I wake up yeah I know I'm gonna be

I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you

Not that he sleeps , John thought with a giggle .

When I go out yeah I know I'm gonna be

I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you

"Yup , after criminals " John said aloud .

If I get drunk yes I know I'm gonna be

I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you

"Big big if " John snorted , laughing and giggling like a kid

And if I haver yeah I know I'm gonna be

I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you

John listened to the rest of the song and ran to the stairs . 

" Mrs Hudson! Mrs Hudson!!!"

Mrs Hudson came running out of her flat , tears in her eyes , fanning her hands infront of her face . 

" Oh John i'm so proud !" 

John ran down the stairs and pulled her into a huge hug , 

" Thank you thank you thank you"

" What're you thanking me for silly lad "

" Just....thank you " he kissed her on the forehead . 

" Well , lets go and get your suit on , i'll make you breakfast "

His phone buzzed again , this time it was a picture text from Mycroft . it was Sherlock with a bloody lip . 

He literally fell out of bed , tripped over the bed post - MH

....I love that man - JW 

Quite - MH

Aww come on , give us a smiley face - JW

If i must >:) - MH

Haha you had to add in the brows didn't you ? Well , i've got to go and get dressed , tell Sherlock NO pirate costumes - JW

Of course - MH

John ran up the stairs after Mrs Hudson and ran into Sherlock's room , their room and pulled on his black suit . He fought with his bow tie for 10 minutes until Mrs Hudson had to do it , and wolfed down his breakfast . 

" Oh John , you look dashing , i'm so proud of you and Sherlock , now you can be the one to attempt to boss him around and fail " She said with a grin . Mrs Hudson was great , John was glad he met her . 

" Right John , lets get you there , you'll be late "

They had decided they were going to be married in a beautiful nature park about an hour away , John ran to the window to see one of Mycrofts slick black limosenes waiting outside . Him and Mrs Hudson went downstairs and into the limosene. 


Sherlock was nervous and so happy , he had his John , his John , and today , they were to be married . He looked out to the gardens of the park he was going to be married in and saw a familar form walking towards him . 

Molly Hooper . 

Molly arrived infront of him and smiled , teary eyed , 

" Sherlock Holmes , i'm so glad you found John , we're all proud of you " 

Sherlock smiled and pulled her into a hug , 

" I see it's double good news Molly "

She scoffed , " I knew you'd know "

" So , there's going to be another little Molly Hooper toddling around in 7 months ?"

" Hopefully!" 

That just made Sherlocks day better , when did he get so sentimental? 

" Whos is the father of that child and do I have to hit anyone?" 

Molly laughed ,

" You've changed Sherlock , you've changed alot , anyway , I think you've met him , I met him through Lestrade , we'd been on and off while you were away , we've not been together for a while , but , no prediction of this happening  " She said gesturing to her belly and smiling .

" Who is it ?"

" D .I Dimmock "

" Ah yes , he's reasonably good at his job when he listens "

Molly laughed and at that moment , Johns car pulled onto the road.

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