Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

* the phonecall between Sherlock and Mycroft when Sherlock was in the pub with John*

" Mycroft , is there nothing you can do?"

" well , yes , I can get someone to protect you ."

" and John "

" yes John too"

" I thought he was in prison"

" yes , but he got out a week ago , and he's looking for you . And...and ..."

" and what Mycroft ? "

" He's seen you and John , he doesn't like it "

"oh god ....."

" so , now he's not just after you....."

" right...what about you and Lestrade "

" I'm going to out of the country and he doesn't know about me and Lestrade , plus , he doesn't want me dead "

" Shut up Mycroft , I need 24 hour serveilance in the flat , everywhere apart from my room and the bathroom"

" done ....I'm sorry Sherlock "

" Mycroft , it's too late for that , you did nothing when it mattered , you just watched him beat me and Mother , and I've tried to forget , so can you not bring it up"

" Yes , of course . The surveilance is all done , we've bugged your flat , apart from yor room and the bathroom , look after John , I don't want to see you lose him , which could happen if your not carefull"

" Of course i'll be careful Mycroft , I have to go .... bye "

" Goodbye Sherlock"


When John woke up , Sherlock was in the kitchen , awake and sat at the table . Fiddleing with a radio .

John got up and sat back down quickly , his head was killing him . Bloody hangover .

" painkillers and water are next to you "

" Thanks luv " Wait , what ? Haha he just used a petname for Sherlock . Sherlock sniffed and walked over to John .

"What is wrong with that radio, John? It won't work "

" I dunno , it's never worked properly . Why "

" no matter "

It was not until 5 days later that Sherlock got the radio working again . It had been playing for a while , when Sherlock heard a song he knew , he didn't know many , but he knew this one .

The lyrics were high pitched but he still managed to sing along properly , it had been years since Sherlock had sung . But the lyrics passed easily .

" a long long time ago  "

" I can still remember how that music used to make me smile"

" amd I knew if I jad my chance , that I could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while  "

John was home early from work . He put his bag down and heard music coming from upstairs , he walked up slowly and snook into the room . Sherlock was ...singing . And it was amazing , his voice was beautiful and just ....perfect . The chorous of the song came and John was amazed .

"So bye bye miss american pie , drove my chevvy to the levvy but the levvy was dry , and them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye singing this'll be the day that I die , this'll be the day that I die" .

John wanted the singing to carry on so he just stood there and waited , Sherlock hadn't noticed him yet . When the song finished , John walked over to Sherlock , span him round and kissed him feircly. Sherlocks eyes were wide open with suprise ,

" John! Did heard didn't you ?"

" yes , yes I did " John said , slightly breathless.

Sherlock didn't know why he was worrying , and he didn't know what to say , so he just kissed John urgently , biting Johns lip . John grunted in suprise and pushed Sherlock onto the couch, and climbed on with him . Him and John continued kissing for a long time until Sherlock pulled away .

" John , I think ....I think i'm ready , are you ?"

" Oh god yes " John said as they made their way to Sherlocks room and closed the door.


When John woke up he was in Sherlocks bed , for a minute , he didn't think anything at all , but then he remembered the night before . And he could safely say that it was one of the best nights of his life .

John looked down at himself , he wasn't wearing anything and on closer inspection , neither was Sherlock . Sherlock was wrapped in a sheet , a pillow covering his face . That man slept weird , John thought . At one point he found Sherlock in bed sat in the lotus postition , but upside down , with his back against the wall . Brilliant , odd but definately funny .

He loved that man .

John pulled on a pair of Jeans and walked into the kitchen , Lestrade was staying at the flat that night . There was a knock at the door . The post was a bit early , John thought . He opened the door .

" Hello? Do i know ..."

But Johns sentence was cut off . He was hit and dragged into a car before he could realise what was happening . The car drove off . One man stayed behind .

" Sherlock ! Oh Sherlock!" he shouted .

Sherlock heard his name being called . Not John , or Mrs Hudson , John wasn't in the bed , oh god where was John?

Sherlock pulled on his trousers and ran down the stairs . His eyes narrowed when he saw the man and he felt sick .

" what have you done with John"

" Your not being in a relationship with another man , I thought I made sure you were messed up enough not to have one at all "

" I will get John " he took a step foreward .

" Ahh ahhh ahhh , we'll kill him now if you go for me , what happened to the respect I beat into you ?"

Sherlock fell silent .

" Your John , will stay alive , as long as you behave " and with that he walked out of the door.

Sherlock threw up onto the floor and collapsed into tears . Mrs Hudson came in and Sherlock explained .

He would find John , no matter what .


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