Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It had been a week since John had gone missing , and Mycroft had his best men searching for him , but they found nothing . No trace of his father , or John . Johns phone , along with it's tracking chip had been mailed back to Sherlock . 

Mycroft sat at his desk and tryed to work on the other things he had to attend to , but his phone rang . It was Sherlock.

" Mycroft , Mycroft i've had news , about John . Get here now "

" Oh , does my little brother need my assistance "

"Mycroft , now is no time to be an arse , it's serious , get here now "

Mycroft could hear the worry in his brothers voice . 

" Fine , i'll be there in 10"

Sherlock hung up . Mycroft called for a car , and walked out of his office and onto the pavement outside . A black car rolled up next to him and he got in . When the car pulled in outside 221B Baker St. Mycroft jumped out and went inside , as he climbed up the stairs , he could hear something smash .

He walked into the sitting room . Sherlock was sat there looking dazed .

" Dad was here Mycroft  , he just sauntered in ,  told me John was fine , but he said John wont be fine for much longer if he continues to act stubborn , he says he wont do anything they tell him to"

Mycroft  replied with a "hmmm" and continued , 

"I told him once that bravery was by far the kindest word for stupidity , I think he understood ..." 

He hadn't had a chance to finish his sentence before Sherlock punched him in the face . 

" don't ever call my John stuipid ! He's twice the man you'll ever be and I think he deserves some respect ! God total ...arse " 

Once Mycroft had recovered from the punch he spoke up , 

" apologies Sherlock , now , do you have any ideas as to where he might be "

Sherlock gulped , " told me where he was , and thats the worst part , if I go there i'll have an attack I know it , I ..., its the mental hospital , where he sent me to ...."

" Sherlock , you go there and you will have an attack , i'll send my men in "

" NO! No, you send men in and he kills John , we need someone who knows that place inside out and can sneak in ... and thats me .... you see , he expected this , that I wouldn't be able to go back to there and if I do i'll have an attack , but you see Mycroft , I can go back , becuase I have to for John , and I wont have an attack , because I have to save John , and Dad doesn't know this , he doesn't anticipate this , he doesn't know my dear brother , that when it gives you this kind of motivation caring is not always a disadvantage "

And with that his brother stormed out of the flat , Mycroft following closely behind.

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