Chapter one /

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I heard from downstairs while I was drowning my hair in hairspray. I waved it back and forth but stopped when I sprayed at my face and into my eye by hearing my fathers deep voice from firstfloor. ''Holy crap, fuck, ouch!'' I screamed, forgetting my family who stood downstairs waiting for me. Not getting a respond for a couple of seconds I was almost holdig my hands to pray to god that they didn't hear me. Having an antiswearing family that react just when they hear you say 'shit' makes you having a 'lesson' I don't really know either.

 I heard that they kept taking to eachother and I blinked several times to get the pain away because I didn't want to smudge out my makeup. Unfortunally, I failed, because now I felt how my eye started tearing up.

''No no no no.. Please don't do this.'' I talked to my eyes who was trying to ruin my makeup that i've been fighting with for about 2 hours. ''Come ON!!'' I screamed in frustration and waved at my face to make it go away.

It got quiet from my parents and my littlebrother and I stopped waving at my eyes that now stopped tearing up like it asked me what the heck I was doing. After a couple of moments I hear my mom shout.

''Is everything alright, Jenna?'' She said  and I moaned. 

''Yes. I am fine, mom.'' I screamed back and a couple of seconds after I hear my dad again.

''We're going now, is everything alright?'' He said and I put down my hairspray bottle and moaned.

''I'm coming! Everything is okay! '' I screamed back with now annoyence in my voice. ''God..''

I took my long fingers and pulled away the little smudge under my eyes. I took a strand of hair that was hanging in my face and put it behind my ear while I glanced at my reflection in the mirror one last time. I sighed at myself and at my blonde short hair that now was covered with hairspray and 10 other hairproducts but still didn't keep it flat. I grabbed my grey purse and flattent my pink-sorbet dress that was crossed in the back and went down to my knees.

I ran down as fast as my legs could do and met my dad, mom and Carlos in the hall.

''Hey slowy.'' My dad said and I still breathed like if I've ran a whole mile. I go to modern dance but still, wlking in stairs make me feel like i've been running five miles.   ''Shut up.'' I said between my breaths and my dad takes a grip on the keys on the halltable and smile at me. 

''You look pretty, is that the dress i bought to you?'' My mom said and I nod. She put her white little jacket on. I don't really know why she's wearing it because 

1)Its hot as a darn desert out there, even though the clock is nine.

2) its really ugly (and really expencive, honestly, how much did it cost? like five thousand or something?)

3) we're walking about maybe 5 minutes. Yes. My cousin Lucias birthdayparty is at the end of the street.

 I stare at my mom who now has the jacket over her white dress. And if its possible, it looks a bit more horrible On her.

''Mom.'' I gasped and scratched my forehead.''- Are you really wearing that?'' I said and she interrupted her hair shaking to look at me like if she just heard I said her hair was messy.

''What?'' She answered back and fixed her strawberryblonde hair.

I heard my dad in the background sighing and even though he said it very quiet, I heard him say "Ohboy.."

''Its like twelve hundred degrees outside.'' I continued and wrinkled my forehead.

''Oh, come on.'' She answers me, realifed that her hair wasn't kaos, turning around to the mirror, takes up her red-pink lipstick and starts to cover her heartforming small lips.

''we're walking like, what, 10 houses?'' I say and make a gesture against the direction Lucia lives, even though I can't see it from inside. ''I can see her house from our stairs outside!'' I said and my mom waved her hand to me.

''Stop being such a dramaqueen. It's pretty for being on sale. '' I saw in the corner of my eyes that my dad and Carlos walked torwards the door but I'm still speechless. 

I stood there and I was about to open my mouth to say that it looked like if she had a bear on her shoulders that costed a fortune but I didn't because I knew it wouldn't lead anywhere. I know my mom and if I would say that i still wouldn't be able to convice her. One time we were going to a party at my moms cousin, and we stood and fought about what we were wearing for about 1 hour. My both dad and littlebrother was staring at us quietly while we fought about the weather and the colour of my dress. Thinking back now I feel like laughing. Who the hell fight about a white dress for 2 hours? With your mom? I mean it was a regular white dress that happened to have sleeves but she though that it was too cold outside and that I didn't match (it was a white dress, there isn't anything that doesn't fit white) or if it was that I didn't have a tan because it was in January. Yes. January. Most people actually don't have a tan in january, and me having these english-roots, make me pale as snow in the winter. 

I ignored my mother because of my speechlessness and put on my ballerinas. My dad who now was relifed that it only took 4 minutes to pick a fight sighed and shook the keys in his hand, raising his eyebrows.

''Are you two done now?'' He said and Carlos opened the door, ignoring everybody while dad walked after Carlos, holding the door open for my mom and me. We both stood in silence and my mom was first to walk out. I shook my head and laughed a bit sarcastic and walked torwards the door. My dad put his hand on my head and smiled.

''Don't care about her, Jaggie.'' He stroked my hair with one hand and closed the door with the other. He let go of my head and locked the door.

I walked down the stairs and looked up at the sky that was still blue but on its way to orange. When I got out a warm wind came flashing against me and I put my arms across eachother while glancing ignorance at my mother who started walking down the street.

''Thank God you took a jacket mom. It's the darn iceage out here.'' I said sarcastic and my mom didn't even turn around when the words ''Shut up'' fell out her mouth.


This was my first Chapter eveeer, and its a little boring and not so good, I know, but I promise, it will be more and more and more for every chapter. 

Byyyye! (:

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