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I am no stranger to military life. My dad was in the Navy for six years and flew Tomcats. My mom would always be praying that he would be ok, and the day came when he came home. Mom had tears running down her face, hugging the life out of him. He wrapped his arms around her and put his face on her shoulder. He would let go, and I ran to him, which he picked me up and hugged me. He was dressed normal and had a giant duffel bag on the ground since he dropped it to give us hugs.

My eighth birthday came, and it was a truly memorable birthday. The time went by too fast when my father was called to deploy the next day. I did not want him to go, neither did my mom, but we respected his responsibility to serve his country. I watched him leave from the living room window, putting his stuff into the trunk of the taxi. He looked up and gave me a smile and a wave, which I returned, loaded up into the taxi and drove off.

Two months later, March 15, I happen to look out the window and see two people in uniform getting out of the car and walking toward the front door. They knocked on the door and mom came to see, only to discover right off the bat that something happened. He was flying a mission, and someone got a missile lock on him, taking him down. I watched as my mom fell apart right then and there in front of the people in uniform. The service was even harder. Mom cried while I watched as they folded the flag from my dad's casket and gave it to mom. They did the jets flying across the sky and the gun salute.

I walked away after the ceremony towards the car which they had lined up for us, only being stopped by people saying their condolences. I responded by nodding my head, and I was not rude, I did not feel like talking. Mom soon caught up to me, and we loaded up into the car, taking us away from my dad. I realized that I was never going to see him again. Right then and there, I told myself that I respect all military, but I was not going to marry one. I do not want to experience what mom went through.


Hey all, so I know that this is REALLY short, but this is just the background.

Anyway, like, comment, and rate!


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