Chapter 23

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I jump, and Parker tightens his arms around me yet again, somewhat pushing me behind him, the guys doing the same thing. Phoenix gives Lilly to Beckett, who nods in a silent agreement as Phoenix then goes to wrap zip-ties around the man's wrists.

"What did you do with Helen?" I snarl as Phoenix pulls the man up and bangs him against the door.

"Answer her damn questions!" He growls, and the man starts laughing, sending a tingling down my spine.

"Wait a second," I say, letting go of Parker and tentatively move towards the man, keeping far enough away from him. "I know this man. His name is Ryan Lee. He was my moms' boyfriend after dad. He was abusive to both of us, both mentally and physically. You stupid bastard, why did you manage to track us down."

"Because your mom needs me." He spats and I look at Phoenix, who pulls Ryan away from the wall and faces me. I bawl my fist up and then send a right hook to his face.

"You don't know shit. Now, where is my mom or I will keep going." We stare into each other's eyes, not daring to give up when someone tugs at my arm.

"Belle, darling. Let's go relax, and we'll figure out the next plan." Parker whispers in my ear, and I nod, breaking eye contact from Ryan.

"Little sweetheart Belle got herself a Marine who controls her moves just as much as I did."


"Stay the hell away from Belle you piece of crap." Parker threatens, rage written on his face. I pull him towards the living room and sit him down on the couch, then sitting on his lap, his arms wrapping around me. Phoenix chains Ryan to the kitchen island.

"I'm right here," I whisper, and he looks up at me, his blue eyes shining and then the next thing I know, I'm laying on my back, across the couch as he hovers over me. He's careful not to let the tiara ruin my hairstyle. He then leans forward, gently touching my nose and then to my lips. It was a gentle kiss, and then he pulls back with a smirk on his face. He removes my tiara gently and then resituates himself so that I fit nicely into his arms. "This is not how I imagined the night turning out." I sigh.

"I'm with you, that's all that matters to me." I face him and kiss him on the lips.

"I hate to break up this party, but we got Helen to save," Quentin suggests, and then reality comes crashing down, and then I realize we never got pictures for prom. Parker gets up and then offers me a hand.

"Come on; I have an idea." He says, putting my tiara back on my head and then puts his on as well before guiding me out to the back porch to find string lights strung across the fence, and lily pads with the fake candles in them floating around in the pool. It's something out of my dream backyard.

"It's gorgeous," I say, holding my hands over my mouth and then I feel a tear slip down my face. Thank the heavens for waterproof mascara. Parker comes up to me and gently holds the side of my head, wiping the tears away with his thumbs.

"To make up for prom this evening." He pulls me to a camera that someone set up and we started taking pictures, some with Parker and I, some with our best friends and their dates and then with all of us. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lays his hands on my waist.

"Thank you," I whisper, leaning up to kiss him on the lips and his arms tighten around me before we pull away with a smile on my face. "Now let's go kick some ass in getting my mom back." Sheer determination rushes through me as I give him another peck on the lips before rushing upstairs to get out of this dress into some jeans and a t-shirt when Ryan catcalls me from the kitchen.

"Sick bastard," I mumble before walking upstairs into my room and grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and walk into my bathroom. Thankfully, my hair was done in a simple style, so I didn't have an excessive amount of bobby pins in it, and it was easy to remove. My hair falls right below my shoulders, and then I remove my makeup. The face showing back at me was one of fear. It was written all across her face, and she looked like this small girl who looked the same as that dreadful day. I place my hands on either side of the counter and lean forward, fighting back the tears, but that doesn't help as I fall to the floor in a sobbing mess. I hear rushing feet, and then someone knocks on my door.

"Belle?" Parker says, banging on the door.

"I'm here." I try hard to hide my sniffles, but no use.

"Can I come in?" His voice is much closer and gentler now that he knows I'm still here. I reach up to open the door, and he looks down at me before leaning up against the shower and pulls me into his arms. He changed from his uniform to some casual clothes consisting of a short-sleeved plaid shirt and some blue jeans. He rubs my back as I let the waterworks fall. "Let's get you out of the dress." I nod, and he unzips it enough, so I'm able to get out of it, then takes off his shoes so he can step inside the tub and slides the curtain closed. I pull myself together before getting changed.

"I'm clear," I say, and Parker climbs out of the tub, putting his shoes back on before coming to wrap me in his arms.

"We'll find her, I promise."

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