Chapter 8

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"What do you mean you were almost kidnapped?" Clare exclaims. Currently, i'm on a conference call with Clare, Autumn, and Lilly. I told them the whole story.

"A car was following behind really slow. I was probably paranoid." I tell them.

"Girl, the fact is you were able to call Parker, and he was able to get you. Seriously girl, date him already." Lilly says.

"I'll try, but I'm just scared. Speaking of Parker, do you guys want a ride from him since he already has to take me to school?"

"Heck yes, girl," Autumn says.

"I feel bad for skipping out on you guys. It's the least I can do."

"Girl, your safety is the most important right now," Clare says. "Crap got to go eat dinner. Catch you guys tomorrow. Bye loves!" Clare hangs up, and I realize I have to study for a test tomorrow.

"Sorry guys, I have a test I completely spaced out about. Bye!" I tell them before I hang up. I pull out my books and start studying. It was close to midnight when I finally get ready to bed. I'm in bed when my phone goes off with a text.

Parker: Goodnight, Belle.

I blush at that.

Me: Goodnight Parker. Thank you for being there.

I hit send and look up at the ceiling before falling asleep.


"Belle! Belle wake up!" My mom yells at me. I open one eye.

"What?" I say sleepily

"You're gonna be late. Parker's already here." I jump up and run around my room.

"Damnit." I grab a blue shirt, white skirt, and my comfy black flats, grab my bag and run into the kitchen where Parker is talking with my mom. He hears me and looks my way. I check my hair, forgetting to run a brush through it. "Damnit!" I quickly run my fingers through my hair and pray that my hair obeys.

"Belle, you ready?" Parker asks. I nod, grab a banana, kiss mom on the cheek and meeting Parker in the truck.

"How long were you waiting?"I asked Parker when we drive towards the corner to pick up my friends.

"Not long." I relax a little and eat my banana while my friends pile into the backseat.

"Running late this morning?" Lilly asks. I nod. We arrive at the school, and I pull the sun visor down to make sure I don't have food around my face or look horrible. I quickly fix the sleep eye and realize Parker is holding my door open. My friends are still in the back, looking at me.

"Belle, you're good," Clare tells me. I sigh, grab my bag, the banana peel, and hop down from the truck. I soon realize everyone is watching us.

"Guys, I don't like this one bit." I toss the peel into the trash can and walk into the school. My friends walk to my left and Parker to my right.

"Heads up, Brittney's walking this way," Lilly tells me.

"Belle... hm someones looks like they just woke up." Brittney sneers at me before smiling at Parker.

"Brittney, leave me the hell alone." I shove her, "Some people have a morning like today, maybe you might need one of those days." I walk away, and Parker slides his arm around my shoulders as we walk to class.

"Movie night at my house?" He asks as we sit in the first period. Slowly, but surely, I have slowly started to forgive him. I grab his hand and squeeze it.

"I would like that."

"Good morning, class. Today, we're learning about Shakespeares Macbeth." Ms. Sally tells the class. Groans are heard throughout the room. We go through the rest of the school day, and I met up with my friends, and they all asked what my Friday plans were.

"Hanging out with Parker watching movies at his house." I tell them, "What about you, guys?"

"Reading and riding my horse," Lilly says.

"Hey, why don't we all get together and Belle, we want details," Clare says. I nod and look towards Parker, who is leaning up against his truck.

"Hey, I have to go, but text me when and I'll be there." I give them all hugs. They were getting picked up to go shopping in the next town over. I walk towards Parker, and he smirks.

"Hey, Belle." He gives me a hug and opens the door for me, makes sure I'm situated, and shuts the door. He gets in and starts the truck.

"Oh my, I love this song!" I turn up the radio to Send my love by Adele, and I start singing. I look over, and Parker is smiling.

"You have a beautiful singing voice." I blush, and pretty soon we arrive at his house. I hop out and look at his house. It's a pretty brown color, white trim, rose bushes, and it just looks cozy. "Come on." I follow Parker inside.

"Hey, Parker. How was school" A lady with black hair walked out of the kitchen and looked at me strangely. "Hi honey, what's your name?"

"Hi, I'm Belle." I shake her hand.

"Belle and I are gonna have a movie night," Parker says, and I look around their house. Open floor plan and cozy colors. He walks into the living room, and I follow him, putting my backpack next to the couch.

"No horror movies or I will have nightmares," I tell him, and he laughs.

"Relax princess; I'll protect you." I sigh and give in. "Comedy, action, and horror, ok? The action movie doesn't have much blood." He puts the comedy movie in, and he sits next to me on the couch. Halfway through the movie, I reposition myself, trying to get comfortable. I soon realize I'm close to his shoulder, so deciding if I should or not, I lay my head on his shoulder and feel his arm wrap around my shoulder. We make it through the first movie, and I feel a gaze on me. I look up, and he's staring at me, his blue eyes shining. I lean up to kiss him, and once our lips connect, with hunger, and I run my hand through his hair, loving the feeling against my hand. He slides down onto the couch, and I'm on him when I suddenly pull back.

"No, no, I should've done that." I grab my backpack and walk out the door and start walking home. My phone vibrates in my pocket.

Parker: Please talk to me.

I ignore it. I get home and go straight upstairs to read and try to sleep.

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