Chapter 11

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Parker's P.O.V

"If someone were to kidnap someone, where would they take them?" Beckett asks. We have a map of the city laid out on the table between us, thanks to Clare and Autumn's father working at the local police station. Surprisingly, he didn't ask questions.

"I would take them to an abandoned warehouse," Clare says, grabbing a red marker and crossing off the non abandoned warehouses. "Somewhere isolated, unless you're trying to smuggle them by water. Hey Parker, did you smell anything funky about the van or anything?"

"No... wait a second, yes I did. It was kinda like a fishy smell, fresh too." I tell them. That leaves us two warehouses near the water. "Now what? Don't we need a search warrant?"

"Got that covered. Just had to prove it to dad that it was worth it." Autumn says. "We're gonna get these people Parker, and get her back."

"Let's suit up people," Lilly says.

"Um Lil, we don't have armor or anything. How can we suit up?" Quentin asks. Lilly laughs.

"I've done karate and can find a weapon out of anything." She digs through her bag and tosses us each something different. "They may not look useful, but trust me, they are."

"Let me guess, Clare and Autumn got the rides figured out?" Beckett asks. Clare and Autumn nod their head. Sure enough, two cars show up.

"You guys ready?" Clare and Autumn's dad asks us. We grab our things and set out to the cars. I grab shotgun and after everyone's loaded, drive over to the docks.

"Guys there's the van." I point, and they slow down before pulling off to the side. We hop out and gather together.

"The things I gave you work better when working together," Lilly tells us. "Let's head in."

Bella's P.O.V

"Ow damnit!" I taste blood running into my mouth and spit it out. I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

"Stay awake darling." I gag at darling. Only one person can call me darling. I suddenly fall over to the door and lay there.

"Shit! Get her out." Brittney yells as I hear things clashing. Someone grabs me but is grabbed by someone else.

"Get your fricking paws off her," Parker tells the guy, holding a sharp-pointed stick at his throat. Two guys pull the man towards the wall and wrap some string around his wrist.

"P-parker," I whisper.

"Belle, darling." He unties me and examines my face. "Holy crap, what they do to you?" He picks me up bridal style, and I snuggle my head onto his shoulder. Lilly, Clare, and Autumn are walking around us.

"You'll give her back if you know what's good for you," Brittney says, holding a gun to Lilly's head. I wrap my arms tighter around Parker's neck. The same two guys walk behind Brittney, Lilly jumps out of the way, and the guys knock her out. We finish walking, and Parker takes me to the ambulance.

"We need to take her to the hospital for some checkups." The EMT says to Parker. He whistles to the group and points to the ambulance, and they nod their heads. He gets in the back with me, and we drive off. I start crying, but it hurts to cry, so instead, I start shaking.

"Shush, Belle, you're safe." He wraps his arms around me, moving me off the stretcher carefully. "No way am I letting you out of my arms." He whispers.

"Parker, I'm so sorry. I've been incredibly stupid, and I'm sorry." I gently bury my face in his shirt, and we arrive at the hospital.

"Let the doctors take care of her. Put her back on the stretcher."

"No way in hell. I'll carry her." He carries me into the hospital and into a room, setting me down on the bed, and not letting go of my hand.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Reagan, and I'll be caring for you today." A young man comes in with short brown hair, 6 ft, and carries a folder. He looks at me and smiles. I squeeze Parker's hand, and he squeezes it back. "Let's check the bruises on your face and fix them up." The doctor said and starts stitching up the wound that kept dropping blood into my mouth. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I look at Parker, who spoke up.

"Something went south, that's all." Thank you, Parker. He squeezes my hand, and I return it, waiting for the doc to finish what he needs to do.

"Can't fix the bruises, but you definitely look better than when you came in. Anything hurt?" I shake my head gently. Crap of all things, I get a flipping migraine, but I'm not saying anything to the doc. "You're cleared, but if anything hurts, you come in right away." He gives me a pat on the shoulder and slides something into my hand. I look, and it's his phone number. I crumble it up and throw it away.

"Please get me the hell out of here." He helps me off the bed and helps me walk to the waiting room where everyone is waiting. Lilly, Clare, and Autumn jump up and hug me.

"Belle, we were worried sick. We're glad to have you back." Lilly tells me.

Parker's P.O.V

I couldn't tell you how happy I was that Belle was safe. Seeing her tied to a chair made me want to kill someone, but Phoenix told me to relax and help her out. She missed me, hiding her face in my shoulder, shaking. I go over to talk with the guys and watch the girls hug Belle. She's somewhat steady on her feet, so I was watching her to make sure she didn't stumble or anything.

"Belle." She looks at me, and the girls help her walk towards me. "I like you to meet Phoenix, Beckett, and Quentin. My buddies from Marine training." She walks up to each of them and shakes their hands.

"It's good to meet the people who helped get me out of the place." She says.

"Damn, Parker, she's a beauty," Quentin whispers. I turn on him so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.

"Don't go getting any ideas about her Quentin." I glare at him, and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Alright bro chill." I wrap my arm around Belle's shoulder. 

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