Chapter 13

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"Where's Mr. Mitchell?" Quentin asks, and suddenly everyone stops, and I look at him with a glare, and I look over at mom. She looks like she's about to cry.

"Mom it's ok. Why don't you go into the living room? We'll finish up, and I'll join you." She nods and walks off. I grab Quentin by the arm and drag him outside with everyone following.

"Damnit, Quentin. Why did you have to ask that question?" I'm fuming practically. We're doing fine, mom and I, but even a single mention sends my mom into a shock.

"What do you mean?" He asks, unsure of what's going on. I pace in a line before I want to hit him.

"Belle." I walk into Parker's arms, and he rubs my back.

"Parker, what's going on?" Quentin asks. Clare, Lilly, and Autumn stand next to me as I walk towards Quentin.

"My father." I start, trying to hold it together before crying, "died during a mission. He was a U.S Navy pilot. I don't get the typical father figure that you would have. I have my mom; she tries to be both mom and dad for me. You don't understand the emotional turmoil that happens." I calmly tell him.

"Parker, why didn't you say anything?" Quentin asks Parker.

"It should be easy since no one came downstairs and there wasn't another adult walking around in the house," Clare said, wrapping one arm around me and the girls following suit.

"If you wanted to know, ask me without my mom present," I tell Quentin. "I think it's time if you all left. I'll text you how my mom is doing. Goodnight everyone."

"If you need anything, don't be afraid to call or text us. We're here for you." Lilly tells me, and the girls nod in agreement.

"Thanks, guys. Talk to you later." They leave, and Parker walks up to me.

"I apologize for Quentin's attitude this evening. His dad is retired from the Marines, so he thinks that everyone survived the military. If you need anything, you know where to find me, ok?" He envelopes me in a hug that I return. He kisses me on the forehead before walking back into the house. I walk over to lay down on the lounge and look up at the stars, listening to the water feature for the pond.

"Dad, if you're listening, was I too hard on Quentin when he asked about you? I love you dad, and I'll go visit you tomorrow." I say.

"Belle. You weren't too hard with him." Mom says, making me jump. She walks towards me, and I move to a sitting position while my mom sits next to me.

"Geez mom, don't give me a heart attack like that." I laugh, and she smiles.

"You got mad at him because he asked about your father. I shouldn't have reacted how I did, but you tried holding it together before you lashed out. Your father did the same thing; part of him still lives in you." I lay my head on her shoulder, and she comforts me. I haven't done that since we found out my dad died.

"You watched through the window, didn't you?" She nods.

"You have a loving group of friends who are there for you." She tells me, "Parker, especially. He's a very nice young man, but I can tell you're having a rough time with him being in the Marines."

"I love him, but the only thing is I'm scared that if something happens to him, that I'll do what you did when you found out," I tell her.

"I loved your father very much. I was scared as he decided to join, and every time he left, I would be scared that he wouldn't come home, but every time he did. Give Parker a chance." I look up at a shooting star, and I smile, knowing dad heard what my mom said.

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