Chapter 19

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Belle's P.O.V

Standing next to Parker at the military base before he had to leave was a bundle of nerves. We're standing about 150 feet away from the plane that he's going to board for wherever he will be stationed. I run my hands up his arms, feeling his muscles twitch under my fingertips, then across his broad shoulders and down his chest, feeling his abdominal muscles. This man has cared for me and stayed strong, and now I need to do the same for him.

"I love you, Belle, my little darling." He kisses me on the lips lightly, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too." He smiles and then leaves my embrace to say goodbye to the gang. After that happens, he comes back to me, grabbing my hand and pulling the back of my hand towards his lips and kissing the back of my hand. He kisses me again and then starts walking away. He walks for a bit and then turns around, and I blow him a kiss, which he catches, puts it to his lips and then does the same thing to me. I run my hand down my arm of my jacket, anxiety kicking in. He makes it to the plane and boards it, turning around to face us again and waved before the ramp blocked us from his view. The plane takes off down the runway and then flies up into the sky, and I watch until I'm not able to see it anymore. I feel a presence next to me, and I look over to see Lilly, wrapping her arm around my shoulder, and I turn my face into her shoulder and let the tears flow. I feel a group of people surround me, each bringing comfort in their own way.

"Belle, let's go curl up with some ice cream and movies," Clare suggests, and I nod, wiping my face. We walk towards the truck, and Beckett starts it up, we all piling inside. We drive to Lilly's house, and Beckett shuts off the truck. My three friends and I all get out, and then Beckett opens up the door.

"What kind of ice cream will you ladies like?" He asks. Lilly looks at all of us, and we nod before she goes to rattle off the order.

"Mint chocolate chip, cookie dough ice cream, cookies and creme, and a Nestle drumstick ice cream." She finishes, and the boys nod, "and if you guys want anything, feel free to join us. She needs her friends around, and that includes you guys."

"I would love to, except this is a time for you girls to be together." Phoenix says, "If there is anything that we can do, let us know." Lilly smiles and hugs him.

"Thank you, Phoenix," Lilly says before letting go and leading us back inside while the boys go get the desserts. I walk to the couch and curl up on it, realizing how much I managed to slip myself into a hollow grave of sadness. Clare wraps a blanket around me and sits down next to me, laying an arm around my shoulders. Autumn pulls out Miss Congeniality and looks at us with a smirk on her face.

"Who's up?" I feel a smile on my face start to appear, and Autumn looks at me, laughing. "I got Belle to laugh!" She yells, doing her happy dance around the living room.

"Say, what's all..." Lilly starts but then stops in the opening to the living room with a bowl of popcorn and spoons for once we get the ice cream. She starts laughing and then moves to the couch. After Autumn does her dance, she puts the movie in, and all four of us curl up on the couch, me in the middle.

"Hello, ladies." We pause the movie, and we glance towards the entryway into the living room to find the three guys carrying small tubs of ice cream. Lilly and Clare hop up to help them out while Autumn sticks next to me.

"Wait a second; there are seven small things of ice cream.....oh you guys are joining us?" Lilly asks, and Phoenix nods.

"Well, that's if you want us to." Lilly nods in agreement.

"You guys are her best friends, and she may not think that she needs you guys around, but she does. I'll grab a few spoons while you boys go find some spots and pass out the ice cream." They nod and come to pass out the desserts.

"Cookies and creme for Clare, mint chocolate chip for Autumn, drumstick for Lilly," Quentin says, passing the ice creams to the girls and then looking at me. He pulls out a small jewelry box and gives it to me, everyone standing around with curious looks on their faces.

"What is this?" I ask cautiously.

"Open it silly goose." Quentin chuckles. I hold the velvety box in my hands and then open it. There in the box lays a heart-shaped necklace with Parker's name on it, except half the heart is missing. "Parker has the other half with your name on it. It's to give you hope and show that he'll be back." Tears start to sting my eyes, and I start crying. "Oh crap, I'm sorry." He goes to hug me, but I shake him off.

"It's tears of happiness. I have something closer to remind me of him and to look forward to him coming home." I smile as Lilly takes the necklace and puts it around my neck, clasping it. It rests above my dads' dog tags. "Thank you, Quentin, all of you." I stand up to give everyone hugs, and then a cold container gets placed in my hands. We move back to the couch, and we all curl up on it, watching the movie. I look around me and smile.

'This is what family is. Parker brought us all together.'

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