Chapter 12

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Belle's P.O.V

I get a good look at them, and all of them are handsome in their own way, but together, no wonder Parker called them to help.

"Hi, I'm Belle, as Parker mentioned. I want to thank you for helping out in getting me out of there." I shake each of their hands. My friends start whispering behind me. "If you would excuse me." I push them away from the guys. "Spill."

"Don't you see? They're good-looking, no wait that's not the word, the word is sexy as hell." Clare says. She didn't believe in dating boys till she was out of college. I smile. This is gonna be fun.

Parker's P.O.V

I introduce Belle to my three friends, and she looks at each of them before saying thank you. She pushes her friends away and right now they're possibly talking. I chuckle and turn back to my friends.

"Damn, Parker. Maybe the chicks go for the nerdy guys." Quentin chuckles.

"You guys have defiantly stolen the ladies hearts. Look at them, every time they see you, they're blushing." I tell them.

"Yeah because we're sexy as hell," Beckett says, pointing to himself. I laugh, and I look over to Belle walking back over to us. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders, causing her to lean back.

"The girls and I were thinking about going bowling and wanted to know if you guys were interested," Belle says. The guys' nod and I do too, probably since she already knows I'm going. We walk outside, and I pick her up bridal style, making her laugh and wrap her arms around me.

"I thank you, Parker. I don't know how to repay you or any of the guys." She whispers. We get to Beckett's truck, and I turn her around to face me and lean in to kiss her. She gives in and wraps her arms around me, bringing me in closer until she leans back with a smile on her face and her lips swollen.

Belle's P.O.V

Parker kissing me was probably the one thing I always daydreamed about, and it was better than I ever thought it would be. The fact that he is a Marine never crossed my mind. I felt safe in his arms, that if he were to leave, who's going to give me comforting hugs like Parker gives me. We load up into Beckett's truck, and we drive to Lilly's house to get Parker's truck.

"Parker, is it ok if you took me home?" I ask him. He nods, and after I say bye to my friends and the guys, we drive to my house, and I jump out, running to the door and seeing my mom open it. We jump into each other's arms and start bawling.

"Baby girl, I missed you. I don't know how I can do if I lost you too."

"Neither can I. You'll probably shut down from the world. I love you, mom." I hug her then let go. "Hey Parker, can we introduce the guys to my mom?"

"Sure. The girls are able to come over too?" I smile and nod as he pulls out his phone to text his pals. I walk over and give him a kiss on the lips.

I see the group walk up the driveway and I wave to them.

"You couldn't get enough of me Belle, I'm flattered," Quentin says. I laugh.

"In your dreams Quentin," Parker says.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet Quentin, Phoenix, and Beckett. They assisted Parker and my friends with getting me back." They wave and shake hands with my mom.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Mitchell," Phoenix tells mom.

"Would you all like to stay for dinner?" Mom asks, and everyone says sure. I go down to the basement to get the other two tables, and I see writing on the wall. I look over at it.

I'm watching you

"Belle, are you down here?" I jump and see Parker standing on the staircase. "What happened?" He looks around and sees the message on the wall. He wraps his arms around me.

"I'm scared. What if the people come back to get me when you're gone?"

"As long as the gang is still here, no way in hell will they get near you. No what-ifs ok?" I grab a table, and Parker grabs the other, and we walk up the stairs holding hands.

"Took you guys long enough," Beckett says, causing me to roll my eyes at him. We set the tables up, and of course, the girls sit next to each guy, leaving Parker and me to grab seats among the group.

"Thank you, Ms. Mitchell, for inviting us over," Parker says.

"This is the least I can do after saving Belle." Mom looked like she wanted to say something more, so I tug on my ear telling her it is gonna be ok. She returns it, and we continue eating, making small talk along the way. We finish up, and everyone helps with cleaning up.

"Where's Mr. Mitchell?" 

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