Chapter Two

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Camila pulled up to the red brick apartment building Sam lived in and sighed as she got out the car and up to Sam's apartment, knowing Sam wasn't too pleased with her at the moment.

You would think Camila was the one that initiated the idea of getting a divorce, but she wasn't. It was Sam.

Camila always did think Sam was too perfect for her. Despite him not being too pleased with her at the moment, he always understood. Especially when the topic of Lauren would arise—which, sad to say, was often.

It was obvious that Lauren still played a huge role in Camila's life despite the fact that it had been years since she parted with the girl. But somehow, someway...she was always there.

In Camila's writing, there was always a girl with green eyes. She couldn't help but include that small detail in her writing, after all, Lauren encouraged her to pursue her writing and become the successful writer she was today.

And, of course, Camila's most popular novel was Circus Fantasy. And there, Solimar was Lauren.

It was always Lauren.

And when Camila began to dabble with poetry, ultimately publishing two poetry books, they were always about Lauren.

So anything that involved writing, Lauren was always in it.

Did it bother Sam?

At first, it didn't. He was okay with Camila expressing her emotions, especially the negative ones that would resonate whenever the circus was brought up. Sam understood, he always understood and Camila was thankful for that.

But then it got harder for him to understand when he would notice Camila looking through the box that contained Lauren and the circus too often. And he couldn't understand how Camila could mistakenly say Lauren's name and not his. And he couldn't understand how Camila never, ever wrote about him. Yet, Camila always wrote about Lauren.

And Sam just couldn't understand how, despite his various efforts, Camila couldn't love him the way she loved Lauren.

It's said that with time, you can grow to love a person. But Camila never could, not completely.

Camila knew that when she would look at Sam's eyes and instantly think they were Lauren's because they were green.

She couldn't even look at her own husband's eyes without thinking of someone else. It was a fucked up thing, but it was true.

But Camila loved Sam. It wasn't romantic, or anywhere near the level she had for Lauren, but it was something. After all she spent seven years with him, they had a beautiful son together, and he was always there. But the only way Camila could ever love him was as a friend, and she never figured it out until Sam asked for a divorce.

Camila took a deep breath as she knocked on Sam's door and heard footsteps until the door opened and there stood her ex-husband. Camila internally sighed.

She really did wish they could've made it work somehow.

Sam was an incredible person. He was a great father to their son, sweet, and always wanted to make you smile somehow.

And not only was he incredible, but he was handsome.

Green eyes, just like Lauren's. Dirty blonde hair that he passed down to their son. A built body. Tall. A gorgeous, white smile. And British.

Anyone would kill to be with Sam Claflin, Camila was just the exception.

"Hello, we need to talk." Sam told her, clearing his throat before letting her in.

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