Chapter Fifteen

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Camila was in her bedroom, putting the finishing touches to her make up look when she suddenly heard a tapping on her window and furrowed her eyebrows, turning her head towards the window and then walking over to the window. She opened the window and gasped when a rock barely missed her face and landed on her bedroom floor. "What the fu—"

"Sorry, babe!"

Camila raised an eyebrow and looked at Lauren. "10 years later, and your aim has yet to improve. You clearly have something against this eye." Camila said as she pointed to her right eye.

Lauren laughed and shrugged. "I thought it would be romantic."

"You got locked out, didn't you?"

"That too." Lauren blushed. "Can I come up?"

"I can just open the front door, babe." Camila laughed.

"Oh come on, it's much more romantic this way." Lauren insisted as she walked closer to the house and made her beginning attempts to climb up.

"Lauren, you are 10 years older, medical bills are crazy expensive, and I am barely patient enough to take care of a child, let alone you with a thousand broken bones."

"Humans actually have 206 bones." Lauren retorted as she started to climb up.

"Oh my goodness..." Camila mumbled before laughing.

"My love!" Lauren proclaimed dramatically as she pushed herself to climb up a little further, internally regretting her decision. "My favorite thing to look at is your gorgeous, brown eyes as well as your..." Lauren paused. "voluminous asset." she smirked. "Allow me to spend the rest of my life admiring both!"

Camila laughed loudly, shaking her head as she looked at Lauren. "You are the epitome of romance, Lauren. You put Shakespeare, Pablo Neruda, and e.e. cummings to shame."

Lauren gave Camila a beaming grin before letting out a puff of air. "I changed my mind, open the front door."

"You've barely climbed two feet."


Camila giggled as she headed downstairs and opened the front door and watched with an amused expression her face as Lauren slowly approached her, panting a little. "Enjoy your workout?"

Lauren only hummed as she took Camila's hand and pulled her close, kissing Camila's lips gently.

Camila hummed and grabbed Lauren's hips, smirking as Lauren pushed Camila against the door frame. Camila was about to pull Lauren inside, remembering her and Lauren had the entire day together alone.

"Tongues are for licking lollipops, you know."

Camila quickly pulled away and looked over to see Sam looking extremely awkward as Gabe stared at them weirdly.

"I thought you guys left." Camila spoke up as Lauren's face turned red.

Sam nodded. "We did, but Gabe kept insisting we come back and ask if you guys wanted to join us for our trip to the zoo. I can see you're busy, though. We'll just get going."

Camila looked over at Lauren who shrugged and Camila looked back at Sam. "No, no... we can join."

Gabe squealed and Camila chuckled as she looked at Lauren. "You're okay with this?"

Lauren nodded. "Yeah, it's fine. I have plenty of knowledge about animals to make this trip informative." she chuckled.

"Sounds weirdly sexy." Camila smirked before kissing Lauren's cheek and then getting her bag and then walking out the door with Lauren and getting in the passenger seat as Lauren went to the backseat with Gabe.

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