Chapter Five

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The red and white tent towered over Camila once more. And with a heavy sigh, Camila noticed that the tent still swayed with the cool wind. It was probably still nowhere near safe. And Camila was still apprehensive in stepping inside.

Everything was still a still to Camila, like time was still for this circus. Nothing had moved, nothing had changed. Everything still was.

But it wasn't. Everything was not still, everything had changed and everything had moved in Camila's life.

Camila wished time could stand still for a moment, because reading the big sign in black letters saying


did bring her a nostalgic feeling, but this nostalgia didn't sit well with her stomach. It didn't make her want to go back in time and feel everything again.

This nostalgia was no longer longing for the past, but longing for a different past.

Camila felt a small, warm hand intertwine with hers and Camila looked down to see Gabe looking up at her with a smile.

"Be brave." Gabe nodded.

Camila let out a shaky breath she didn't even know she was holding and nodded. "Be brave." She repeated softly before chuckling when Gabe pulled her excitedly into the circus.

"Come on, mommy, walk faster! I want to get good seats!" Gabe exclaimed.

Camila chuckled at Gabe before looking around, it all was still still.

Camila felt she was 18 years old again. But she was no longer angry she was at the circus, but upset what the circus gave her.

Or didn't give her.

"Do you think the magician will give me glitter?" Gabe gasped. "MAYBE SHE KNOWS FAIRIES NOW."

Camila giggled and picked up Gabe and kissed his cheek. "She probably does, but she can't tell you. It's a secret society, only people that do magic can know." She whispered secretively.

Gabe nodded. "You're right, they can't." he agreed. "So I don't have magic?" he pouted.

Camila pouted back. "I'm sure you have tons of it." She told him before poking his cheek, Gabe giggling and poking her cheek back.

"Camila? Is that you?"

Camila turned to the source of the voice and her eyes widened. "Halsey." She whispered.

Halsey looked older, no doubt. And she looked worried, and it wasn't since she saw Camila a few seconds ago.

"MAGICIAN LADY!" Gabe exclaimed with a grin. "Can I have glitter, please?"

Halsey looked away from Camila and looked at Gabe. "Is this your son?" she asked Camila.

Camila nodded. "His name is—"

"Gabriel!" Gabe smiled. "I was named after mommy's favorite author." He said in a very matter of fact voice.

Camila chuckled and kissed his head before Gabe wriggled out of her grasp and stood next to Camila.

Halsey smiled softly. "Safe to say he's very social." She chuckled as she bent down to Gabe's height. "You know who I am, don't you?" she asked and Gabe nodded.

"My mommy told me all about you and the whole circus. I have this picture, look!" he exclaimed.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows. "You brought the picture—"she stopped when Gabe took out the picture of Camila and Lauren and bit her lip as Halsey inspected it with a sad smile.

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