Chapter Four

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Camila jumped as she looked at Gabe running towards her, waving a flyer. She raised an eyebrow. "Gabe, honey, give me a second. I'm paying for the groceries." Camila told him.

"But this is important!" he exclaimed. "And it took me a while to get the flier down. I'm short, you know." He pouted.

Camila chuckled as she swiped her credit card. "Just give me a second."

"But LOOK." Gabe whined as he waved the flyer up to Camila and Camila sighed as she looked down at Gabe.

"What is it?" she asked before furrowing her eyebrows when she managed to see the logo despite the quick waving of the flyer. Camila quickly grabbed the flyer from Gabe's hands and looked at it.

There flyer was red and white and it black, bold letters it said:



Camila didn't bother reading anything else because her eyes were focused on the circus name, specifically the name Jauregui. Lauren was here.

"Oh my god." Camila whispered.

Gabe smiled smugly. "Told you it was important."

Camila shook her head as she grabbed the receipt from the cashier and crushed up the flyer before throwing it in the garbage.

Gabe's blue eyes widened and he looked up at Camila. "Why did you do that?!" he exclaimed as he ran over to the trash can and tried to get the flyer out.

"Gabriel, let's go." Camila told him as she picked him up and Gabe kicked his tiny legs in protest.

"The circus lady is here! We have to go!" Gabe told her.

Camila sighed as she struggled to hold Gabe. "Gabriel, not now. Let's go." She said and groaned as Gabe wriggled out of her grasp and ran back to the trash can. She knew people were looking and sighed as she walked back over to Gabe and kneeled in front of him, grabbing him so he would look at her. "Stop it, we're going home. Now."

Gabe furrowed his eyebrows, obviously growing even more upset. "No." he said stubbornly.

Camila closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm not doing this right now, Gabriel. We're going home, or I leave without you." She warned.

Gabe crossed his arms. "Fine, maybe I'll go with Lauren. She'll take me in!" he replied.

Camila ran a hand through her hair. "You know what? I don't even care if you throw a tantrum right now." She mumbled as she picked him up while pushing the shopping cart out the grocery store as Gabe kicked and screamed and like the four year old he was, threw his tantrum.

Camila opened the car door and sighed in frustration as Gabe refused to get in the car. "Gabriel, stop it!" Camila was definitely starting to get frustrated, and she hadn't even processed the news that Lauren was here yet.

Camila managed to strap Gabe to his car seat and Gabe was still kicking and screaming. Camila ignored him and put the groceries in the trunk before getting in the car and turning on the engine.

"Gabriel, stop screaming." Camila told him with a sigh and Gabe sniffled as he crossed his arms, starting to calm down.

"Why don't you want to be happy?"

Camila pursed her lips. "That's none of your business."

"You're my mommy, it is my business." Gabe retorted.

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