Chapter Three

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Camila and Lauren giggled to themselves as they lied under the blanket fort they built with the small built-in table used for support. Camila had insisted they build one after Lauren confessed to her she had never made a fort before.

"So how do you feel knowing you helped build a fort?" Camila teased as Lauren scrunched up her face.

"It could be better, but unfortunately my partner wasn't very helpful." Lauren retorted.

Camila pouted. "Kisses are very encouraging in getting the job done." She defended as she turned on her phone and put on the flashlight she had installed in her phone. "Let's tell scary stories." She said in a mysterious voice before giggling.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "You probably can't tell a scary story to save your life." She told her.

Camila scoffed and shook her head as she settled between Lauren's legs. Lauren quickly wrapping her arms around Camila from behind and resting her chin on her shoulder. "Can too. But since you want to be so mean and insult my storytelling skills...why don't YOU tell me a scary story?" the girl challenged.

Lauren chuckled. "I can't tell stories." She mumbled into Camila's neck, making Camila's heart leap at feeling Lauren's breath against her skin.

"Everyone can tell stories, Lauren." Camila argued. "There are words itching at your throat, dying to come out. They want to be heard. You should let them be heard."

Lauren moved her head away from Camila's neck and looked at Camila. "There you go again with your words." she chuckled.

Camila pecked Lauren's lips gently to which Lauren smiled to. "That's because I'm letting my words be heard. Everyone has a story to tell because we, as humans, create experiences. Experiences that need to be heard, no matter how small." She said. "I think that no one should underestimate their power to tell a story because we all live through stages of our lives differently. And I think if we all shared our stories more often, we'd understand each other better. But some stay silent, because others tell them to be silent. And that's why there's so much misunderstanding in the world. Because not everyone gets the chance to tell their story, they're silenced. And that's the worst thing you can do to someone: quiet them."

Lauren listened to Camila speak and smiled, she loved to listen to Camila speak passionately or ramble mindlessly. She loved Camila's words and what they said. "If this is your way of convincing me to tell you a scary story, then fine." She chuckled. "Don't expect poetic greatness or amazing imagery. I'm not a great writer like you."

Camila hummed. "I knew I'd convince you." She smiled before kissing Lauren's cheek. "You'll do great." She whispered before flashing her lit up phone under Lauren, making Lauren giggle. "Speak your words, scare the sleep out of me." She said in a deep and "scary" voice, making Lauren laugh.

"If you keep making me laugh, I won't even have the inspiration to tell something scary." Lauren told her.

Camila giggled and nodded. "Okay, I'll calm down." She said before resting her head on Lauren's chest and looking up at her.

"Okay and THAT makes me wanna cuddle, not tell scary stories." Lauren cooed with a pout before kissing Camila's lips gently and smiling. "You look adorable, how can I scare someone so adorable?"

Camila blushed and buried her face in Lauren's chest, making Lauren laugh and hold the girl close to her. Lauren kissed the top of Camila's head and smiled. "Okay, I think I have a story building. Listen, because the words are itching at my throat." She giggled, repeating Camila's earlier words.

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