Chapter 7: Mother Is Strong

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   My mother felt and saw the changes around the house. She came running up the stairs and unrated through the door. When she entered she saw me and Agron kissing, she was not happy when she saw the horns. She stood up straight with a pissed look on her face. A ring of light glowed around her, and her eyes started to glow white. Small grey wings of pure energy began to grow on her back. She was going to kill Agron, she knew she couldn't bare the thought if harming me, so she would kill the one I loved.

  I stood in front of Agron before he could protest. "Lend me a hand" I told him mentally, but he didn't want to help. "You'll have to get through me first!" I cried out in anger and started my own power. Amber flames whipped and twirled around me, and my eyes begun to glow, looking as if gold flames where shielding them. I hunched over like a wrestler. I looked even madder then she did, and Agron just laughed at me RETURN I thought to myself quickly, and Agron disappeared. My mom looked shock, and her magic accessories vanished, but I was still ready to fight, my mom just doesn't back down that easily, nit even for me

   "So then that dragon was your weapon" Spring started "I can't believe you fell in love with a dragon even though I told you not to. Now I must   take your weapon away from you, and destroy it." I attacked her. It wasn't a attack that would do that much damage yet, but one that would tell her to back off. I sent a roaring gold flame at her, with micro shards of iron. Background lesson: Spring is a fairy, fairys burn when touched or hit with iron. She cried out in pain, and looked at me shocked. "You attacked me" she said sounding sad, voice shaking "Do you really love a tool even more then your own mother?" This made me really pissed off.

   "You and me, outside now!" I said, flames growing larger the madder I got. "Ow" I heard Agron's voice say"Take it easy with the flames, I'm burning on your arm" but I was to mad to respond in any sort of way. As Spring (she doesn't deserve the title as my other here) stepped outside, the leaves and flower begun to die, but I don't like dead things. So once I stepped outside I revived the trees and flower to their former golden, orange color and made the air cool and calm.

  Spring started her attack first, it was easy and predictable. She shot a heat seeking beam of her magic and thorns and light at me. I ran toward her, stopped right in front of her, and clapped. That was a stunning move Agron told me about. Right before her attack hit me, I jumped behind her. Spring was still stunned. Her attack hit her and did some pretty good damage. It was my turn. 

  I was still pretty angry at her for everything she said. With flames burning all around me, I went in for a melee attack. Agron finally got the picture and decided that he wanted to help. The gauntlets appeared on my hands. With one one flame covered blow to Springs stomach, she was out. I sent all my power into the attack, and just when I thought we I won, Spring got back up on her feet. I was so confused, and so was Agron. We both knew that we had the power to do some serious damage, and did some serious damage, but Spring was still alive.

  "Oh my child" she started "A week little attack like that wont do any damage to me." This whole time she was just playing with me and Agron. With both confusion, and fear, me and Agron prepared for her next attack. It was a pure light of energy, but it was too fast to dodge so I had to block. I sent up a barricade of flames and my own amber magic. Some of the magic penetrated the shield and hit Agron. I apologized to him later. I had to think about Springs weaknesses before I could attack next. She stayed stunned for a while, I could use that to my advantage, but how? Then there was the time she attacked herself... THAT'S IT!!! Springs main weakness is magic. For my next attack I had to test something. 

  My magic isn't that strong, and Spring knows this, but she always tired her hardest to avoid all my magic attacks when we would train. I didn't know if my plan would work or not, but it was worth a shot. The flames where coming from my anger, so I knew I couldn't use my fire to attack, but I had my own magic. I, summoned Agron for this next attack. "What are you doing!?!?!" Agron protested. "Just trust me" I said back trying to calm him. He  fed off mt magic, so i sent my flames at him. The flames fed off my negative energy and caused my magic to be corrupted. My plan worked, Agron ate the flames and became very pissed. "You ready" I asked playfully. "Screw you!" I summoned back AGron and this time the gauntlets where glowing a red color and where almost to hot to handle, but I could manage.      

  I wrapped Agron in my magic, and rushed at Spring. She wasn't aware about the magic surrounding my gauntlets. She laughed when i rushed at her, but I just smirked at her, I had her right where I wanted her. This time I aimed for her face. I hit right between her eyes, and she winced. This time she fell to her knees, and looked like she was about to kill me. She was holding her nose and was shaking. I was panting and almost out of energy. Something was very, very wrong about this atmosphere. Agron was no longer red or hot, he was also tired, but there was something happening to Spring. 

  Her eyes where turning dark grey, and her iris was glowing a silver color. Spring was demon in human form. Her power levels where rising at an alarming rate. She was about to explode. "YOU EVIL WHICH!!!!" Spring screamed. She sent a beam of darkness at me. Agron summoned himself and jumped in front of me. He took the hit for me, he was so stupid. He almost died from that attack. i tried to summon him back, but the blackness surrounding him wouldn't let me.  He was going to die at this rate. 

Wow, was this chapter awesome. Sorry it took me so long to come with chapter, I recently just recovered from surgery, and i wasn't allowed to write while recovering. I cant wait to publish chapter 8! I also might only have 20 chapters in this book, so look forward to a book 2, probably gonna come out sometime next month. Anyway ttygitnc (talk to you guys in the next chapter) BYE!!!!!!!!!

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