The old man offered us a place to stay out by his home, but I wasn't about to stay anywhere near that creep. I had to live at least close to him though. After all, Winter would be going after Summer now that Spring was gone. I also told Summer everything that went on with my mother disappearing, he wasn't to happy with that. I made a little home for me and Agron to stay for enough away for Summer not to bother us, but still close enough for me to sense him.After about a week of talking things through and "catching up", me and the old man got on... better terms. The topic now was, how are we going to take down Winter? I began to wonder if it had to do with the rose, so grabbed it our of my room and tried something. The rose was unable to melt by anything, so maybe Winter gave me part of his soul or something. The part that only liked me, so that way he could kill me without feeling remorse or dread, so maybe if I melted the rose, part of him would die, and he would grow weak and easier to kill.
At first I used one of my old gold flames. It failed. Then I used a slightly more powerful, silver flame. The rose was getting warmer. Then I thought, this guy's gave me this rose out of love, so what if I use a true flame? This might work. A true flame is a orangish, goldish, pinkish flame that comes from your heart, or true feeling. I had to try a true flame.
Now, I don't know if the true flame was a success, or a failure. The flame of love and care melted the rose just enough to have one drop. The drop.hit the ground, and everything was suddenly very cold. The ground outside transformed into permafrost, the leaves from the trees fell to the ground, the sky turned to a pure, white color, and it began to snow. Winter, was coming (comment if you get the reference). Winter was planning to take down New Earth, starting with me, and my father. He still knew nothing about Agron, and I knew I would of had to fight him.
Once again, here we go. Once Winter arrived he made it clear he was looking for a fight with Summer, but I needed Sumner, so I wasn't about to let him kill Summer. I decided to toy with him a bit.
"Please tell me" Winter started "why did you melt the rose I worked so hard on to make for you" he sounded hurt, did he really like me?"I wanted to see you again" I said in my sweetest voice "I knew you would come if I melted the rose."
Winter was very shocked when I said this, but was flattered anyway.
"Then why must you get in my way" he asked. I replied with "Summer is the only family I have left, I already lost the one person I care about the most, so I'm not about to lose another." He seemed hurt, I told him that the love you feel for your family is way different, he said he understood."For you, my princess" he said, and handed me a necklace. I knew this necklace. It was the same one Summer wore, the only difference was the color. The chain was a very light, almost white silver color, and the bead was a glass ball, encased in thick amber. The glass ball on my necklace was midnight blue. Summer's chain was gold and thinner, the glass ball on his was was bigger and a beautiful silver color, his was encased in diamond. This was ment to show his greed.
Winter was gone almost at soon as he gave me the necklace, and he took my father with him. Damn it, what was I going to do now. Then I saw a note. It read "if you ever want to see your father again, you must come to the Winter World I made just for you, and become my bride. I'll give you and your father 3 months to decide, choose wisely.
-Winter Seasonal.I know momma warned me about the Winter World, but I had to save Summer, he was the only family I had left, and I needed to save him in order to kill Winter. Agron didn't like the idea of me going, after all, if I did go, I would have to marry Winter. I wasn't about to give up on Agron, so I came up with the idea of killing Winter, before I would have to kiss him on our wedding day. I was going to kill him like I did mom, a spear to the heart, only, this time it would be out of hate, not because I had to.
The only way onto the Winter World was to smash both glass ball at the same time. Too easy. I fused my magic, and the magic I got from killing my mother to make silver and amber swirled daggers. I stabbed the beads at the same, and a portal of silver and black opened up. It looked like a galaxy in a way. I jumped in, and entered the Winter Wonderland.
This chapter was fun. The next chapter imma work with someone (who shall not be named) to get it done faster, and it should be pretty cool to see how it turns out. This gives you guys something to look forward to in a few minutes, so ttygitnc

When Winter Calls
RandomNote: This story is nothing like the first one I'm working on. This has not as much gore but still talks about the pain of having cuts and scrapes, that's probably the worst part about it. This story is about a girl who found an unusual necklace he...