Chapter 2: Autumn's Story

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    As I said in chapter 1, I have to look nice today to honor my mom leaving me. I know it's a weird thing to honor, but hear me out. To day I'm going to tell you my story, my point of view (pov) and I don't know how the other seasonal think or act at this point in time, but it's interesting to to see how they will. Okay let's get on with the story.

     August 1st, 17 years ago, I was born. It when the leaves where barley burning to orange and gold, and it was beautiful. My mother had beautiful golden hair that fell perfectly on her shoulders, and my father had red hair that was wild and sticked up everywhere, which only made him look more handsome, and then there was me. My hair was a darker, golden-brown, and my eyes where a blazing amber color. You see, when I was born I didn't cry, I didn't even make a sound. That's how you know when a elemental is born, they are born without tears or cries, just silence and smiles. When my father heard the news, he ran strait out of the hospital. The nurses tried to stop him, but my mother stopped them. She always knew he was a coward but fell for him anyway. He was too care free to care for a child, and much less get a woman pregnant. So it was just me and my mom for sixteen long years.

    For sixteen years my mom raised and trained me. It wasn't hard to figure out I had my father's personality. Once my mother asked me to do something like gather herbs or do house work all I did was complain. Somehow my mom got me to do it anyway. Soon I was able to hold my own, even against my mom. On my own time I figured out how to use my powers as a seasonal. I started out small. A leaf. One late offer noon in June when I was 15, I went and plucked an oak leaf from an oak tree (naaah, from Apple tree). I concentrated very large on the lea, filling my energy with it until it started to glow. My hands got really warm all of the sudden and there was orange, green, and gold lights flooding out of my hands. When it all stopped I looked at the leaf, and there where patterns and swirls of green, orange, and gold all over the great oak leaf. I started at the leaf stunned by its beauty, and what just happened. My trance was cut short my a loud burst. My mom must have felt a strange power when I changed this summer leaf to and autumn leaf. She looked at the leaf and then me in disbelief, then she asked "Who taught you how to do that?" "No one!" Not meaning to raise my voice, I was just as as shocked as her, but we where both very happy. Soon my mom straightened up and asked my to follow her down stairs (we lived in a massive tree house when it was me and my mother). When I got down there, she had a table set out with a series of weapons on it. My mother stood on one side of the table, I stood on the other. We both held our gaze until what seemed like forever my mother said "Now that you know you have these powers, you must learn to fight, and kill." 'She's not serious, she knows I can't harm a fly ' I thought, but she was. She then went on to say that this guy named Winter was coming in about four years to kill my mother, and that I would need to protect myself if she was to somehow have to enter the Winter World. "A weapon must choose you, and if none of these do, I know one that will, I hope and pray to the sun that you will not need that weapon." I needed that weapon. My mother sighed and and went into the only room I'm not allowed to go. When she came out she had a pair of medal glove like claws (seen in picture above accept black and gold instead of silver and red). Something weird was happening but I knew this was the right weapon for me. My eyes started glowing and so did my now golden brown hair. My hands got really shaky for some reason and my legs started move on their own. Then the gold spot on the weapon flashed st same color as my eyes. Then I stopped.

Aaaaand cliff hanger. Sorry guys but this chapter dragged on for a while I thought right there would be a good place to stop. For right now I might begin to work on chapter 3, cause I has lot of time :3, but I won't publish anything yet. A prologue plus 2 chapters, what more could you want from me. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow, in chapter 3. Oh yeah, and that picture is from the anime witchblade, (THIS IS A MASSIVE SPOILER TO WITCHBLADE SO IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT AND WANT TO WATCH IT DON'T READ THE NEXT PART, BUT IF YOU DON'T PLAN TO WATCH IT, OR HAVE SEEN IT READ ON, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) the concept is about the same acceptthis weapon doesn't kill you if you over use it. So yeah, hope you have enjoyed the story so far and I'll see you in the next chapter,

~Rose5509 <3

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