Chapter 17: The Big Plan Ruined

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When I came into the Winter, I was amazed. It was nothing but snow and ice, the trees were ice, the grass was snow, everything was so cold. There wasn't even a sun, it was just a ball of ice emitting a cold lunar ray. I flinched as the snow crunched, whipping around, expecting it to be winter, but it was a deer, it was so beautiful... It was made of snow, with ice antlers, hooves, eyes, and spots. It snorted and galloped away, making sparkling noises as it ran from me. I tried to warm the air with my flame, it didn't change much, all it did was make a small smoke trail. Even Aagron and me combined couldn't heat it up. The birds here sang so strangely, like a violin on it's highest string, and they were still, made of ice and snow. I couldn't sense Winter, which was a bad and good thing. I wanted to explore more before I looked for him, this world, was amazing. The flora and fauna was all ice, snow, and permafrost, but somehow even all with the same materials, it managed to be unique.

My exploration was cut short when I found a castle made of ice. The guards where also made of ice and snow, but it was clear they where expecting me. Once I walked up to the front gate, they all bowed and showed me in. There was my number one target sitting on his throne. He disgusted me, acting like this was all made for me, acting like he actually cared for me. I knew what what was going on. Winter wanted his world to stay alive, and I was the one who needed to make that happen. He was not a man of strength or love, but a man of weakness and deception. He deserved to die.

I walked up to Winter. "Hello, my princess." I could tell Winter was planning something. "Hello Winter" I said kindly, forcing the venom out if my voice as much as possible. "No need to be so formal" He said . He was trying to make me love him, what a joke. (Why do I imagine Winter with Scar from the lion king's voice?) "So, where's Summer?" I asked . "Oh him? Well, I'm not giving him back until the wedding, sweetest." It made me nauseous to hear him call me "Sweetest and "Princess" so much. He had no right to call me such names, no one did. I belongs to no one, not even Agron could tame me. I could feel Agron getting angry, but he couldn't do much, he was stuck on my wrist until me and Winter were done here. Winter could never love me as much as I loved my family (including Agron) and he would never understand.

"I will not force you to love me" Winter hissed "but if you ever wish to leave my world I made for you, and see your precious daddy, then you must find it in your heart to love me." A forced marriage for freedom, I could live. All I had to do was go with whatever he had planned. At least, that's what I thought.

All that day Winter had me by his side. The reason why it was so hard not to fall in love with him, was because he didn't try anything with me. No holding hands, hugs, or kisses. All we did was play in the snow and make things with our magic. Agron could tell I was slowly falling for Winter, all the while I didn't know what was going on back home. I could feel something. Something very, very wrong about New Earth, but I couldn't tell what. What I didn't know, was that New Earth, was slowly dying, while I was gone having fun with some jackass I just met.

The night if the wedding came quicker then I thought, but the days in between couldn't have been slower. The pretty ice maids had me all dressed up, and I was ready for my big day. All the snow servants of the ice palace knew that I was going to kill Winter today, and wanted me to. Apparently the ice servants, and everything in this world, was once like New Earth, the only difference was, there used to be no magic in this world. Winter forced his way onto this world, and he was going to do the same with New Earth. I had to stop him.

Before I walked into the wedding room, I put the two daggers I used to enter this world in knife holders hidden in my dress. I prepared my spear and trident for a battle, put on the ribbon Spring gave me, and was ready to end Winter's rain if terror.

I think this was the only place I have seen in this world that wasn't completely made of snow and ice. The place of my wedding was made of spruce wood, birchwood, and mahogany. It seemed more beautiful than the rest of this snowy, sad world.

"You look stunning" I heard Winter say, and I simply smiled and thanked him. I knew Winter didn't like much noise, because all the pretty ice maid didn't speak other then to thank Winter. Then it began (now, I really have no idea how a wedding scene would play out, So I'm just going to skip this part and get right into the action.)

«Time Lapse»

I hesitated for a moment before saying "I do", and I heard the maids and servants all clap and cheer silently. "You may now kiss the bride" this was my chance. The air suddenly got very heaven with anticipation. The time seemed to slow down when ever Winter grabbed my waist and headed in for a kiss. I smiled my sweetest smile, and almost closed my eyes. I waited for his to close before I opened mine again, this time with the look of an assassin. I dropped one of my arms and reached for a knife, but couldn't grab it. I fell in under the most powerful I kissed him sealing the marriage, and our powers turned the world, into an autumn wonderland, and all the people melted into normal people again. I seemed to love Winter, and some people looked over disappointed. But it was a 'll just pretend.

Whoo, it's been a while since I've left off with a good cliff hanger. Just 2 chapters left. Also, the person I did the collaboration with, they said it was alright to give their wattpad name away. They are actually a really good writer, and I think you guys would like some of their stuff. I'd like to give a big shout out to Septiplier Forever, like I said they are awesome, they most write fanfics, and I think most of you guys found out my story from.their page, so I would really like to thank Septiplier Forever, and as always ttygitnc

Stay anonymous nerds


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