Chpater 13: The Deadly Battle

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When August first finally rolled around I had to prepare for the fight with my mother. This was my ritual into woman hood. I needed to kill, or at least know that I killed my mother in order to gain full controller of um powers. It's funny, about a year ago I almost did. That's also the day when I summoned Winter onto New Earth. I threw on at battle armor, and headed out the door to where me and Winter fought the first time. It was fitting, since I had to kill her.

When I arrived there mother was already there. She knew what was about to happen, so she already prepared a magic circle. I had to leave Agron behind, because it wouldn't count if I used him or his magic during the fight. I also put my demon to sleep for this battle, she would only get in my way. I had 24 (don't feel like spelling out 24 so imma just use numbers) hours to kill mother, and I only needed 6. I knew this fight would last long, so I needed to prepare myself for a full year to fight her, and here we were, dating each other down like two wolves, fighting over the pack.

The magic circle around my mother started to glow a bright while, and she transformed into her angelic stage. I quickly drew a magic circle in the air around me, and transformed into stage one, of my demonic form. Mother only had one stage, but she was pretty powerful either way (at this point I stop calling her mother, and call her by her real name). Spring's attacks were long ranged, which gave me the advantage. I used close ranged attacks, which mean I deal more damage to her. Long ranged attacked deals almost no damage at close range, the victory wasn't mine though. Even if I did win, I had to kill Spring, and bringing her back would take all my power away, so I would lose either way.

Here we go, the fight to the death was about to unfold, and a road of sadness, love, and difference between two worlds would be the only road I would walk on for the rest of my life. "" Lets do this!"" We both said at the same time. Spring launched and long ranged thorn attack that was easy to dodge. It wasn't heat seeking like the last one, but still pretty damn fast. I had to be faster. I dashed toward her in a zigzag line to avoid getting hit by any on conning attacks. I clinched my fist and surrounded it with gold flames. About ten feet away from Spring, I jumped behind her. She didn't see the attack coming because, when I jumped it started raining down orange, green, and scarlet leaves to block her view. I kicked her dead center in the back, knocking on her face. Plants and vines came out of the ground, with thorns the size of an average adult arm all around Spring (all the alliteration). I quickly jumped out of the way. I spit out enough black black smoke to completely cover the area around us. Spring was getting old and her sensory skills were going. I drew another magic circle around me, entering phase two of my demonic stage. The smoke turned to flames, so hot they even set the sky a blaze. Spring tired to shield herself against the magic flames, but failed to realize plants had no chance against fire. She was burned pretty bad, but that didn't matter to her, all she wanted to do at this point was win. Spring healed herself, which took a lot of her magic,and prepared yet another magic attack. This time she summoned an iron golem. She was planning to make the golem throw a chunk of Earth at me. I was ready for this to happen soon, Spring would put everything she had into the next attack, and if that didn't work, she would have to use hand to hand combat. This was my chance. I fused my magic together to make a golden trident. I lifted the mighty weapon in the air and the clouds started to build up. I zapped the beast into dust, and stole the magic put into it before it could reform. While the magic was entering my trident, I drew the last circle for phase three got demonic stage, I might as well make things interesting and put my all into one attack too.

My trident turned into a spear, and the color burned into amber and black, like my scales. The head of the spear was amber, and rest was amber (for got the name ;_; don't hate me plz). Spring fused her magic into a sword that was pure white and silver. Be both put all we had into these weapons, and one of us was going to die here. We both let out a war cry before running at each other. Our blades clashed, setting off a shock wave of completely breaking down any trees left in the area. As our blades collided, memories started flashing in my mind. Memories of when I was little and mom would care for me when I got a cut, as I thought this, Spring cut my cheek. And the time mom tried to climb a tree, but fell out of it and tore her dress, and when I thought this, I gashed Spring's side and tore her dress. Things like this went on until Spring could barely move, and I was completely covered in scratches and scars.

I felt this part needed its own mini story, so here it is. The saddest part in the entire story, next chapter. Yep, chapter 14 is going to be 2 paragraphs _)
I know ya nerds love me


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