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Midori's POV

I sat on my awful room lazily. For the most part, my Operation : Decoration didn't get to go well as planned. Konan already warned me not do something funny anymore if I still want to live. Why? It's because I tried to paint the room hot pink. Where I got the paint? I myself didn't know where. I just spotted it somewhere at the far side of the room as if it's main purpose was to make the room occupants use them and make the occupant get killed a while after.

I sighed in boredom. All the decorations I did so far is just a few potted plants and the Origami that Konan gave me. I shrugged. Oh well, a companion won't hurt. Right? So I bit my thumb and summoned the only summon that can fit in my room. The grumpy, stuck up she-wolf.

"Kuchiyose: Aka!"

Aka appeared in a swirl of smoke. A lot of smoke . After her grand entrance ended, which by the way, almost killed me from suffocation, she greeted me with a very heartwarming greeting

"Jerk." She glared at me. My eyes twitched.

"Dear Kami. Wha- what's wrong with you?!" She just stared at me up and down in a very disgusted way. I forgot. She got a horrible attitude.

"Tsk. How about you? What's wrong with you? Can't even get yourself a proper boyfriend. " She eyed me like how those annoying fangirls eyed anyone who stepped a meter near their respective crushes.

I hissed at her. "What the hell is your problem?!"

She narrowed her eyes. "YOU. Just let me free already. I don't want an ugly owner like you." She retorted at me.

"Oh yea?! Well, Look who's talkin? The ugly demented matron! And here I am as so much as hoping for a nice little chat." I stuck my tongue at her. "B****."

She looked at me in such a shocked and angry way that her forehead creases is so deep it seems that if you fall there, there's no coming back.

"Why you little-" she lunged at me but I just kicked her and swatted her away with my hand.

"Ugh..Just be gone Aka no Baka. I lost the will to interact with ya, pup."

She growled at me "You brat...." then, she let out a canine smirk. "Fine, I'll let this slip. For now. But don't call me for a while. I'll go on a long trip with my boyfriend. My boyfriend." Then she started dissipating in a swirl of smoke.

"No need to repeat!" I shouted at her and hurled a pillow at her direction, but she was already gone. And it hit the vase instead that is standing innocently on the far side of the room.

I glared at the place she was previously standing and decided to find something else to do.

When I found nothing to do, I decided to just jump up and down the bed for fun, and decided to think how much of a jerk my recent summons are being.

'Oh Kami, WHY? Why does all my summons all acts frikkin demented?!'

'Because you influenced them.'

A voice said somewhere in my mind. I grimaced.

'Conscience.' I hissed in my mind while still jumping.

'Miss me Midori? Oh, it rhymes! Goody.'

'Shut up. Your poem sucks.' I hissed at my mind. I stopped jumping and glared at nowhere in particular, hoping my conscience will see it.

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