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Author's note: So yea.. hehe. This chapter may be a teensy winsy bloody. Anyway, just enjooooooooyyy! I'm so excited for Monday! Amazing race, here I come! (in our school. Not in the TV though XD)

Somehow, I managed to end up in Pein's office. How, you say? Well, I certainly don't have an idea myself. As far as I know, I'm sitting calmly on my bed earlier, and the next thing I knew? I'm dragged inside Pein's office by Konan.

I looked around the room, not having the ability to look at Pein in the eye and focused on his desk instead . No, I am not a coward as not to look at him. It's just because his stare is so intense and unnerving that it's so... unnerving. Minutes have passed and none of us had uttered a single word. I mean, that's fine, yes. But, the tension is so thick you can cut a kunai right through it!

I cleared my throat. "Uh.. Leader-sama. I heard from Konan-san that I am wanted inside your office?"

Pein nodded. "Yes. That is true. I want you to take a mission."

My brows shot up and my body tingled in anticipation. "A mission? What kind of mission?"

Pein said nothing and handed me a piece of paper. "That's your briefing for the mission. I want you to infiltrate a new organization, Kuro Karasu (black crow). It's located somewhere in Oto. It's a small organization that is also after the tailed beasts. I want you take them down. I don't like competitions."

I plucked the paper from Pein's hand and shoved it into my pocket. "Of course Pein-sama. I assume that I will burn this piece of information after I read it, yes?"

Pein gave me a curt nod. "Of course Midori-san. We cannot afford people knowing our movements."

I nodded again. "Of course Leader-sama, but who shall I partner with on this mission?"

Pein laced his hands together and rested his chin on it. "Ah. You will be going on this mission alone Midori-san. I suppose that's alright with you."

I sweat dropped mentally. It's not like your giving me a choice anyway. "Of course Leader-sama. I'm very capable."

"Good. You will leave at sundown. Get your stuff ready. You are dismissed."

I stood up and bowed politely. "Of course, Leader-sama."

I walked out of his office calmly. While I'm calm and collected on the outside, I'm mentally dancing on the inside while shouting. 'A mission! A mission!' Fine, call me crazy if you want, but if you're a ninja and you're not receiving any mission for a year, you'll happily accept any kind of mission. Even a D-rank.

I looked at the time as I passed by the clock inside my room.

3:15. Well, it's still a bit early. "Ah. But no time shall be wasted on such a wonderful mission!" I said happily as I entered the shower and threw off my clothes, the cold water making me think clearer.

When I'm finished, I put on fresh clothes and strapped the katanas on my back. I pulled on my gloves and ninja shoes. I tied my hitai-ate on my forehead and put on all the stuff and necessities I need. Like my holsters and pouch, for example.

When I'm finally done getting dressed, I started packing the things I would need. A couple of extra clothes, a few food and chakra pills, and a few scrolls and smoke bombs. I checked the time again, 4:30.

I shoved the things I gathered inside a small pack and walked out the door while brushing my hair. I'm making my way towards the kitchen to grab a bite before I leave when I stumbled across Itachi.

"Sheesh Itachi, can you please at least look where you're going?" I complained while glaring at him halfheartedly.

"Hn." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. My, how classic. I turned slightly and Itachi's eyes flickered to the pack strapped on my back.

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