.... or not.

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~In the Hokage's office~

"Tsunade-sama." Sakura bowed down at the Hokage, but the former barely noticed, for she was busy arguing with Shizune.

"What do you mean they still haven't found it?! I sent out the best of the ANBU to search for it! How hard is it to track it?!" Tsunade yelled in outrage, slamming her hands in her desk. "It could fall in the wrong hands!"

Her assistant, desperately tried to calm her down, to no avail. "Tsunade-sama, I've already sent the elite's today, no need to worry.'

"No need to- Ugh!" The hokage just slumped into her seat and groaned. "Get me some sake Shizune. Now."

The woman nodded and hurried off.

The female hokage just noticed the two standing inside the room, and her  mood turned, daresay, lighter. "Oh it's you two. I just called you here to give you a D-ranked mission-"

She gave the blonde a pointed look. "-as a punishment to yesterday's vandalism."

Sakura tried to protest. "D-rank?! Why? And why am I even involved!"

Tsunade just sighed and rubbed her temples. "Because I said so! Now, go!" Then she slapped the mission file on Naruto's face. "Geez! Young people this days make me feel so old!"

Naruto snorted. "It's because you are old."

"What did you-!"

"Baka!!" Sakura punched him on the head. "Idiot!"

"Get out of my office! NOW!"

But the idiot ignored her. ''Ne, what was all that shouting earlier about? Can we at least know Obaa-san?"

The pink-haired kunoichi hesitated, but her curiosity got the best of her. "Yea, can you tell us Tsunade-sama?"

The hokage gave out a long stressed-out sigh. "I-I suppose. You see, last month, an S-rank jutsu scroll has been stolen. And it was a very important one too, if it fall on the wrong hands..."

Well, it is quite troubling. An S-rank jutsu is the hardest and most powerful type of technique.

"Wait." He interjected. "What scroll? Is it a jutsu?"

Tsunade nodded. "Yes, the jutsu itself doesn't have a name though. And it's origins are unknown as well. We just called it the 'Revival scroll'. It is somehow like Kabuto's Edo Tensei. But this jutsu, as the scroll says, completely restores one's feelings, emotions, memories, and life."

Sakura froze. What is this feeling.... It can't be that.. what I saw this morning...

"Wait!!'' Naruto yelled. "If we have hold of such a jutsu then why didn't we use it to save everyone?! Why is it stashed in there, waiting to be stolen?! We could've used it to save Neji, my father, everyone!"

"You don't understand!" Tsunade yelled. "We can't use this scroll because only a certain clan can use it! We don't have the proper chakra for it to be done properly!"

Naruto, clearly not seeing reason behind this continued to argue with her, I mean, they can seek out that clan. right?

"Then why not seek them out-"

"Their clan has been extinct a long time ago."

"Wait,'' Sakura chimed in. "If that is so, then why so worried that others might use it?"

Tsunade clenched her teeth. "Because if used the wrong way, or in other words, a incompatible chakra is to be channeled in the scroll, not only one person will be revived. A lot of random persons can be revived. Good or bad, kind or evil. And that is extremely risky. Besides, it also have a security programmed in it that will summon a deadly beast. It's as if it really is made to bring us misfortunes..."

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