Chapter Twenty Five

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- Ethan -






It's Sunday morning and I'm finally allowed to leave that hell of a hospital.

Honestly, I appreciate how much people have come to visit me I guess, but it would really be much less frustrating if I could feel a shred of remembrance. But I don't. You know how sometimes you write on a paper and erase the words? The paper's where my memory's stored and the words are my memories themselves. Well, it's sort of like someone crumpled up that entire paper and replaced it with a new blank one.

My parents have been trying to feed me some information about our background, lifestyle, and financial status but nothing feels familiar about any of it. And, as they escort me out into the parking lot of the hospital, I find that I have a freaking headache from trying to take all this in at the same time.

"Okay, okay," I tell them. "I get it. I think this is enough for one day."

They glance at each other nervously.

"Ethan, sweetie," my mom says, her eyes softening. "I'm sorry if we're being a bother but it's obvious we don't know how to deal with this."

"It's fine, really," I utter honestly. "I just need some time to rest my head what with the concussion then all the conversations and... everything..." my voice trails away.

"Sure thing, son," my dad pats me on the back as I force a smile. "By the way, you didn't forget the meds for your arm, did you?" He asks.

"Nope," I reply, glancing at my arm wrapped in a white cast, "in my pocket."

"And the other ones?" My mom presses on.

My mind drifts to the night before when Matt had tossed the medication for my amnesia into the trashcan. I hadn't bothered retrieving them after our creepy-ass talk.

"Yeah," I lie. "I have them."

"Good," she smiles. "You want me to schedule an appointment for you with the psychiatrist--"

"I don't think it'd help much," I lie. "I mean, the medication's enough, right? And with trying to keep up with all my studies, it's just going to be a waste of time."

My dad hesitates. "You sure? I mean, you may not be so far behind in classes--"

"I'm sure," I cut in. "Thanks."

They don't seem convinced but shrug anyway as they climb into the front seats of the car, leaving me in the backseat.

When did I decide to listen to Matt?








- Ariana -






"Let me get this straight," Jared sighs. "You've liked her since forever," he points at Kyle. "You gave Ethan up to go out with him," he points at me then his finger shifts back to Kyle again, "and after your date, you suddenly realized that you just don't click?"

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