Chapter Twenty Six

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- Ethan -






It's been a week since I've woken up with amnesia. Ever since then, things have been quite fuzzy, but strangely enough, I'm already used to it.

I haven't gone to school yet since I'm expelled, so I haven't had a lot to do around the house other than browse through social media, maybe eating and sleeping as well... Yeah, fun.

I decided to go out today, already dressed and making my way down the stairs. But before I'm outside, my mom stops me.

"Ethan, can I talk to you?" She asks.

"Sure," I reply, following her into the kitchen.

We both take a seat.

"There's something you need to know, though it won't really matter because you can't... remember," she clears her throat. "Weeks before, you agreed to help Sasha by taking part in a bone marrow transplant process to help heal her cancer."

"I did?" I frown. That was quite nice of me.

"You did," she agrees. "But unfortunately," she sighs, "Your Human Leukocyte Antigen doesn't match hers. So you won't be able to donate," she hesitates, "and we have no other donor. We're going to have to depend on chemotherapy thought it h-hasn't been working so f-far."

She suddenly bursts into tears and I jolt, feeling startled. Nevertheless, I take action quickly and hug her, trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this," she sniffles.

A pain strikes me straight in the guts. "Mom..." I feel at a loss for words right now.

I know Sasha's my little sister and all, I've seen her a few times since my concussion, but I can't deal with the overwhelming guilt at the realization that this situation doesn't hurt me as much as it should. I'm not bawling my eyes out or feeling shattered on the inside. I feel a twinge of hurt. That's all. And it makes me feel awful.

"Hopefully, everything's gonna be alright," I whisper.


After spending an hour trying to get my mom to smile again, she finally did and shoved me out of the front door, insisting that I go out and have some fun today. So, I'm going to try to do that. Alone.

I call a cab since I don't have a car anymore and it takes me to a nearby park. It's packed and filled with adults and old married couples since everyone else is at school right now.

I feel awkward as I move forward and take in the view of plants, benches, and food stands around me.

"Ethan?" Someone utters.

I turn to see a pretty girl with brown eyes and straight dark hair, frowning at me.

"You skipping school or something?" she asks.

I stare at her, racking my brain for a missing memory of her. But I find nothing.

"Uh, n-no, not exactly," I say slowly.

She hesitates, moving closer. "Are you okay? You're looking at me all weirdly and stuff."

I nod uncertainly. "I just..." my voice falters.

What do I tell this person? Sorry I have amnesia and I can't remember you? Then again, I don't recall seeing her at the hospital, so maybe she's just a classmate or an acquaintance.

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