the nightmare

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An I'm Soooo sorry that it took this long to write this so here ya go


One the music started playing again Cody and I started dancing (it was more like swaying in a circle but it didn't matter). I soon felt calm and safe in his arms like no pshycos exist, and I was just a normal person that was dancing with a great guy. The song I'll be by Edwin McCain came on and Cody seemed to to have realized and started singing along in an off-key which made me laugh and fall into his arms a little bit more. Time seemed to of passed by us because before we knew it Tina cane and told us that it was 1am and the music person wanted to go to sleep. So we went back to his room and I fell asleep in his arms.

That morning was boring all morning classes were canceled due to the fact that we still had to clean up the mess we made last night. So by the time everyone finished it was time for Mr.Martin's class.

"Today we are going to learn about guns and how to use them." In my mind I was thinking about.last night and how wonderful it had been so my aim was wayyy off then it would of been. Sadly Mr.Martin realized it to. "Alice concentration dear don't get distracted come on now." BOOM!!!! I had shot a balloon instead of the paper pshycos head.

"Mr.Martin I think I'm finished for today." And with that I left the class room and went into my room.

A few hours later i heard kept hearing screams and gun shots I grabbed my gun and carefully opened the door I looked Dow the stairs and saw roughly 100 pshycos on the main floor being held by a force veils the music dude from last night was making. Out of warning Cody throws me over his shoulder and runs me down this hidden hallway that I had no idea existed and locked the door behind the door


he just looked at me for a minute and then he did something that I never would of expected him to do...he kissed me. Once he pulled back I immediately wished he hadn't. But I still was really.shocked."Cody what happened where is everyone." His face looked grim and stared at the ground as if.I.wouldn't want him to talk to him as long as he stared at the ground.

"After you left class someone opened the front door and they ran in. I've been told to take you to a saf house in Ohio with your sisters. They went with Alicia 30mins ago." I just stared at him just waiting for him to start laughing at me for falling for his story......only he never did. The next thing I know I am crying on his shoulders while he picks me up and takes me into a metal framed door full of guns and amo. "Better pack light but with as much as you can Alice, its gonna be a looking trip to Ohio." Wih tears still falling down I grabbed a 22 Cal. and then some more guns (I couldn't tell what the were cuz I was crying to hard) . Once Cody finished packing we headed to my Hummer that was parked in the room and we grabbed 100gal of gas, and started our way out of the place I thought was my home for life.


Omgosh wow didn't think that was going to happen thxs for reading n ill cu later

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