Chapter Three

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"Hey man, get up."

"Four." That last one came with a kick to my lower back, making me groan and open my eyes.

The sun burns as my eyes peel open slow, a shadow stand over me. One I know to be Zeke's and manage to sit up. Leaning against the wall.

"Hey." I mumble and see him with his arms crossed and his jaw clenched.

"What the fuck man?" He yells and feels like an explosion through my ears into my pounding head.

"Shh." I lift my finger to my lips.

"This needs to stop, you left without a word and did this. Passed out in an alley, with who knows what in your system. You're gonna kill yourself man." Zeke scolds, bending down to my level.

"You're not my mother, so fuck off." I snap, rubbing my face with the palms of my hands.

"You're right, I'm not." Zeke stands up. "But I'm the only family you got."

It takes me a few minute to realize that he walked away, leaving me alone... the kind of isolation I'm used to.

"Well, well, well." I stand up, faced with Eric.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask, grabbing my jacket and start walking down the street.

"Just want to make sure you weren't totally dead, people talkin bought how you passed out after hittin some rails last night. And I have to beat your ass tonight, helps if you ain't already dead when I do it." Eric laughs, and I want to punch him right here right now, till he's pressed deep into the ground.

"Well I'm not dead, and it'll be me kicking your ass tonight."

My eyes are clouded, my mind's a mess... but my anger with Eric is untouched.

"We'll see bought that." Eric walks off, and I roam the streets.

The sun shining bright, as few cars drive past. The sounds of their engines sounding ten times louder with my jacked up head.

Staring down at my feet as I walk, pinching the bridge of my nose as the headache I have grows fast into a migraine.

'Oomph' Soon I collide into something--more likely someone-- and look up to see a girl closely my age on the ground.

"You okay?" I mumble, reaching down to help her up.

"Yeah, I uh-- wasn't looking where I was going I guess." She stutters, taking my hand and standing up. The feel of her hand, still tingling in mine as she lets go.

"No, it was probably me." I say shaking my head, not currently understanding what I'm saying. Too strung out to comprehend anything.

But high as I may be... I'm here just enough to notice the girl's eyes. A color I've yet to ever see, a blueish-grey color that seems to shimmer all on their own.

"Well, I uh... should get going. Thanks for uh, your help." The girl says, continuing to stutter and avoid full eye contact.

I turn around to watch her walk off in a rush, the clicking of her brown slightly heeled boots getting softer as she gets further away, till she's completely out of sight.

+ + + +

Walking past the alley I woke up in this morning, I sigh. Watching my breath freeze in the chilled air.

Back down from my high, I stare up at the newly darkened sky. No stars lighting it up tonight, just leaving it a dark and blank blanket.

"Hey." The man I cussed off this morning walks up beside me, his hands shoved into his ripped jeans.

Nodding just slightly, "Hey."

Silence coats over us again, neither one of us saying a word

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Silence coats over us again, neither one of us saying a word.

"Look," Zeke speaks up. Lighting a cigarette I found in my jacket pocket I look up at him.

"I get pissed like I was this morning because I got to look out for you man. Whether you want my help or not, I ain't able to stand back and watch you kill yourself."

Letting out a breath of smoke, "You were just lookin out for me, I get it."

Walking beside him, I can't help but feel guilt for everything. It creeps into me at the worst times.

"You're all I got you know." I say.

Zeke laughs, "I know."

Shoving my shoulder, I smile at him too.

Walking up to the clusters of people ready to watch us fight-- and hopefully watch me end Eric once and for all.

Taking off my jacket leaving me in a thin black t- shirt, I hand it to Zeke.

"Not gonna pass out on me are ya?" Eric laughs walking up in front of me. "Not too--"

I don't even wait. I lunge at him, knocking him off balance and taking a hard swing to his face. Ending with a cracking noise, I'm hoping is a bone.

His smirk soon fades into a gritting scowl, standing back up and missing a hit to my ribs.

"Not gonna pass out on me are ya?" I joke, as I jab his throat, and taking a kick to his gut. Making him bend over, and take a small breath.

Shaking my head at him, I look briefly back at Zeke. Which stupidly I should have remembered is the first thing you never... ever do.

Because my head soon hits the pavement, kicks being sent to my ribs as I try to get up.

Swing after swing, crack after crack I'm left there, bleeding and broken. Losing this fight to Eric... will be something I'll never live down.

Minutes I lay there as people walk off. I hear Zeke on the phone calling for what I'm guessing is help. I don't have a clue of my condition, but it must be bad.

I can feel my left eye swelling shut, and my breathing becoming ragged. The last thing I remember before passing are those one of a kind grey-blue eyes.

A/N: Hey everyone! Yay, yay, yay!!!! I wrote an update after months and months for this story, and I can say I'm proud of it. I'm hoping that now updates will become easier but I can't promise anything. I'm just really happy I updated! Hope it was okay, luv to all!❤️

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