Chapter Six

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Tobias's POV

There was something about the next day that was different, something that had shifted. The first thing I did in the morning was not scramble to get out of their house, or try to find some drugs somewhere I had stashed up somewhere in the floorboards. Instead, I woke up rested and grabbed my phone from the dresser. Clicking it on, hoping for a text from Tris.

I wasn't sure why exactly, but a large part of me was hoping to see a message from her.

It was blank though, nothing new and maybe I should've expected it. But something sunk inside me, just a little.

Opening up a new message with her number at the top, my fingers type fast.

"So about those paintings..."


Setting my phone back down beside me I close my eyes. Still waking up, but also trying to understand why I was doing this.

Sure I enjoyed her company, and I could see a friendship there with her. But she didn't need someone like me mucking up her life.

"Come by this afternoon."

The ping of a new message pulls me from the deep depths of my minds, and I can't stop the edges of my lips beginning to curve into a smile.

Her text was sent with an address, and I could tell once more that today wouldn't be one of my usual days.

Afternoon finally came, after hours of waiting around. Zeke was a bit suspicious of my behavior, I suppose he had gotten used to having his best friend out at places no one would know by now, or drinking in the shower by eight am like I usually do. But today was different, no booze in the morning. No drugs by noon, and certainly no plans to meet up with Lexi later.

Driving down the lightly frosted over streets, the radio playing a beat that echoed in the closed space of the car. Winter was coming soon, and today was the first real sign that it was approaching.

Turning into a parking lot that leads to a large apartment complex, parking I look again to make sure I have the right apartment. Walking up the short sidewalk, I buzz the intercom for her apartment.

"Tris, it's Four."

"Hey, come on up." Hearing her unlock the door for me, I climb the stairs leading to the second floor two steps at a time. Anxious not only to be meeting up with her, but just to see her face again.

It's barely been 24 hours since the last time I saw her, yet it feels like a week. That familiar feeling I get when I'm craving a joint or aching to snort a rail of coke, butterflies in my stomach. But strangely, it has nothing to do with drugs. Instead, it all has to do with craving to see Tris, aching to look at those beautiful eyes of hers.

Knocking twice on her door, it swings open fast. As if she waiting right behind the other side, anxiously awaiting for me to knock on her door. 

Tris's hair is pulled up messily into a ponytail, but still it shimmers honey blond in the light from the window behind her. She wears black leggings and a large purple shirt that falls down mid thigh on her, with splatters of paint across the fabric. Her feet are bare, something I'm quick to notice with the falling temperatures outside.

"Hey Four," She smiles, and opens her door wider for me. "come on in."

Her smile is just as inviting as the warmth and scent of cinnamon in her apartment, the smile stretches across her flawless face and reflects back even in her glorious eyes.

"I can take your jacket, if you want." Tris offers as she closes the door, and I slip off my leather jacket and hand it to her. Thanking her as I look around.

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