Best Friend Jungkook

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You can't ever look. The thought of him with another girl disgusted you, but now Jungkook - your best friend, crush, and kpop idol- had a girlfriend... Who wasn't you. The jealousy cursed through your body as you saw them sitting on the couch making out while you were trying to watch a movie. The tears were about to spill over, but you tried your best to hold them back.

"Do you think you can take that somewhere else?" You choked out, barely audible because you didn't want to start crying.

Jungkook pulled back, his face bright red because he didn't think you had noticed, " oh... Um sorry, (y/n)."

By the time the movie was over, you had managed to clam yourself down enough to get rid of your tears. Jungkook walked his girlfriend, who looked like a model, to the door and gave her a quick kiss before she got into her car and left.

You had a dull expression on your face as Jungkook walked back towards you and sat down right next to you. You continued to stare at you phone screen concentrating hard on not crying.

"How'd you enjoy the movie?" Asked Jungkook.

"It was fine" you replied without any expression. Jungkook started to tickle you and you tried to hold back your laughter. "Jungkook!! I'm not in the mood!" You snapped at him.

"What's wrong, (y/n)? I just want to see you smile!" He said as he frowned.

"It's nothing," you mumbled. "Why don't you go bother your new girlfriend." Jungkook's face fell.

"Is that what this is all about? You don't like my new girlfriend? I know this is all new to you and you're used to having me all to yourself, but I want more than just a best friend."

"It's not that I don't like her..."

"Then what is it?"

You hesitated for a bit before finally confessing, " I love you, Jungkook! I have never felt this way about anyone and when I see you with her I feel like someone just ripped my heart out and shredded it up. I can't go another day like this. I think it would be best if you found a new best fri-". He didn't even let you finish your sentence as his lips crashed into yours. You were stunned but kissed him back. You felt like you were floating. When he finally pulled away, you were brought back to reality. "J-Jungkook." You could not contain your smiles as he pulled you onto his lap.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear those words come out of your mouth since I met you." Jungkook said sweetly. "I'm so sorry I never said anything before. I just assumed you just wanted to be friends. I only got a girlfriend to try and take my mind off you. It was getting to the point where I could sleep, work, or concentrate on anything without your beautiful face popping up in my mind. Having a girlfriend who wasn't you Hasn't helped me at all because her I am rambling on about how much you mean to me."

"Do you have any idea what you did to me by keeping her around? I was miserable. I couldn't stop thinking about what you two were doing together. It broke my heart." Tears well up in your eyes and Jungkook's face fall.

"I'm so sorry I made you go through that, jagiya. I promise I will never put you through any pain or heartache again." He kisses your cheek. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You smile. "Of course I will" you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as you passionately kiss him. He grabs your waist and pulls away from the kiss. As he stands up you rest your head on his shoulder. Jungkook carries you to his bedroom and sets you on the bed. He lays down next to you and smiles at you. "I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too Jungkook." You snuggle up into his chest and he wraps his strong arms around you. You smile into his chest and you both drift off to sleep.

Hey guys! This is the first imagine I've written! I hope you enjoy!
I can update this everyday, possibly even more than once a day because I am on summer break at the moment!

(Ps... If you want to request smut I have no problem writing it for you. If someone does request it will I make sure to put a warning on it before hand!)
Thanks so much for reading and supporting me!
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And @officerjungkookbts on Instagram

Love you guys!

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