BTS Ship Collection 6

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"Hi! Can I get a BTS ship? I'm dominican (latina). I'm pretty shy but really crazy and annoying with my best friends. I like reading and aspire to be a lawyer in the future. I'm tan and 5'0. I have medium length curly hair. I really like when people like me as a person. My studies are a great priority in my life. Last but not least. I try to/ treat people with respect! Thank you for your time xoxo"

I ship you with J-Hope!

The shy side of you will draw Hoseok in. He will love getting to know you and your crazy side because he also has a crazy side. Hoseok will find it attractive that you're into reading and you want to go to a lawyer. He will admire your intelligence. He would most definitely like you as person and he would make sure that you know that every day. He will understand that you are invested in your studies the same way that he is invested in his career. He will admire your work ethic when it comes to your school work. Hoseok loves you even more because of the respect you show for him when he's around you.


"Can I get a ship please???? I'm 5"5 I'm a little curvy and pale American and Irish, I have freckles on my cheeks and my nose, green eyes and blonde hair with brown roots. I'm always the person who can make everyone laugh, I'm very loud and outgoing. Also I have some traumatizing things that have happened to me but I put on a smile for people around me because I don't want them to be sad."

I ship you with J-Hope!

Hoseok is able to make anyone happy because of his contagious smile and energy. He will love that you are always making him laugh. When he's with you, he will be happier than he is already, which seems impossible! He will love that you are outgoing and will appreciate that he has found someone as loud as him to spend his time with. He would make sure your traumatic experiences don't get in the way of your happiness while you're with him. He will love the smile you always have on your face.


"Hi can I have a written ship with BTS? :) I'm 5'4. I am an ENFJ. I'm outgoing, blunt & straight forward. I don't care about what people think of me. I pretty much laugh at everything. I look at the positives in every situation I'm in. And I love making people happy!! I LOVE music. I sing, play guitar, dance (hip-hop). I love hiking & exploring new places & I love having fun wherever I go. Adventures for daaaays :) Thank you!"

I ship you with Rap Monster!

Namjoon would love your confidence and outgoing personality. He would love that you always get to the point. The fact that you don't care what others say about you will impress Namjoon and will make him even more attracted to you. He will love your fun side. He will also love your positive attitude in every situation. Namjoon would love to come home to your happy attitude. He will also enjoy your love for music. He would love getting small dance lessons from you to help him with his routines. He would also love taking you on cute little road trips to places you two haven't visited before!


"hi! can i get a ship if they are still open? i'm 5'2", very petite, and very interested in fashion and music. fashion and appearance is very important to me. i'm a perfectionist and can be pretty critical of others and myself. i can come across as very confident and am ambitious. when i love something, i am very passionate about it and can get obsessive. i tend to keep people at a distance and don't get too close. i enjoy going to quiet cafes and lounges and people watching. thank you!"

I ship you with Suga!

Yoongi is not as into fashion as some of the other boys but he will admire your love for fashion. He is also a perfectionist when it comes to his work and his writing and is also super critical of himself. Yoongi is also very confident in his skills and will love your ambition. Your passion will make you a lot more attractive to him because Yoongi is very passionate about his work and loves seeing others passions. He would respect your desire for distance and would wait until you're more trusting and comfortable until he starts closing the distance. Yoongi will enjoy taking you to the quiet cafes just to do work and have a cup of coffee!


"May I send a ship? Thank you! Anyways, I'm a whopping 5'10 and love to do sports and am part of a yearbook committee at school 😅 I complain about my weight and life a lot, but am known to be the most 'confident' and 'positive' of my group of friends. I sleep on average 20 hours (lol dead inside) and have light brown skin, hazel eyes, and a short bob of curls. I also have a slim build, and I'm seen as a very advising figure about love, ha. Thank you!! -Wong"

I ship you with Jungkook!

Jungkook is the most athletic member of BTS so he would enjoy playing sports with you as well as watching you play them. He is also very interested in photography so he would enjoy being with you while you're working on the yearbook. He will make you feel more confident about your weight and make sure you have no reason to complain about your life or weight. He doesn't sleep much every week so he would understand when you're tired. He would love that you are good with romance because he's not the best when it comes to girls!

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