The Break Up Part 2 ~ J-Hope

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"No. Actually she's yours." You turn around and walk quickly back out to your car, leaving Hoseok standing there stunned.

"Mommy?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Yes, baby?"

"What were you talking about with J-Hope? What does are you with someone mean?"

"Well, Mommy used to date J-Hope. It was before you were born. He was asking me if I had a boyfriend."

She giggles. "Mommy doesn't have a boyfriend! Why did you say she's yours?"

"Well, Chaeyoung, you know how you don't have a daddy who comes home and sees you every night?" She nods. "Well, J-Hope is your daddy, but he broke up with me and has been busy with his music." You see her face fall and tears form in her eyes. "Baby, please don't cry. It's going to be alright."

"I want a daddy! Everyone at school has one. Can you please date daddy again?"

"I'll talk to him for you, okay baby?" She nods.

'I can't get back with Hoseok. He broke my heart. I feel bad that Chaeyoung doesn't have a dad, but Hoseok wouldn't even be there most of the time if he was actually in her life,' you think to yourself.

You hear someone yell your name behind you. You turn around and see Hoseok running towards you. A smile spreads across Chaeyoung's face. "Please let me make thing right. We can work something out. I mean, she's my kid too, so I deserve to be in her life and I deserve to know who she is. Please can we just go to a cafe and discuss this?" Hoseok asks.

You pause for a while. "Fine." You only agreed because of Chaeyoung.

"Good. I know a great place near here. Would you mind if I carried her?" He asked. Chaeyoung nods and reaches for Hoseok. You sigh and reluctantly hand her over to Hoseok and she clings to him.

You walk down the street to the coffee shop and Hoseok holds he door open for you. You grab a table and Hoseok orders coffees and a pastry for Chaeyoung. He sits across from you and Chaeyoung sits in a chair next to you, eating her pastry.

"So, how have you been?" He asks you.

"Fine," you say bluntly.

"That's good. Well, um I've actually been thinking about this for a while. I really miss you. You know I loved you, well, I still love you. I haven't had a girlfriend since you left. Speaking of that, why did you leave?"

"You were going to break up with me , so why does it matter that I left?" You say with a rude tone in your voice.

"What made your say that? I would never want to break up with you."

"Well you may not have wanted to, but if it meant staying in the group you would." Hoseok's face falls when he hears you say that, not knowing what to say.

"You heard that?" He whispers. "Why didn't you tell me about the baby?"

"Well if you weren't performing your best when you had a girlfriend, imagine what it would be like if you had a baby. I couldn't put that much stress on you."

You can't talk anymore. Your voice is shaky and your eyes are filling with tears just thinking about what you and Hoseok used to be. You can't stand to be with him any longer. You get up, grab Chaeyoung's hand, and start to walk out of the coffee shop.

You feel a hand on your waist and notice it's Hoseok. You miss him more than anything and don't have the strength to push him away at the moment. You feel his familiar embrace around you and can't help but sink into his arms. You cry into his chest as he strokes your hair.

After what feels like an eternity, you wipe you eyes and look up at him. "I miss you." You whisper.

"I miss you too, (y/n). Please come home." You nod and he smiles. He bend down next to Chaeyoung. "Did you hear that, cutie? You and mommy are moving into daddy's house!" She cheers.

Over the next few days, you and Hoseok work on moving your things into his dorm. He even had a room set up for Chaeyoung. You forgot how amazing it was to have Hoseok in you life. He was always looking out for you. Waking up next to him every morning was serial. He always greeted you with a smile and enough cuddling to get you through the day.

Hoseok has practice and has asked you to bring in Chaeyoung so she can meet all the boys. You agreed sleepily, seeing as it was 7 AM.

Once you finally drag yourself out of bed, you get ready and go to Chaeyoung's room, finding her on the ground with a pile of toys. "Hey Chae! Do you want to go the store then go visit daddy at work?" You ask. She jumps up in excitement and practically drags you to the door, ready to leave.

You get her in the car and take her to the store. You walk through her clothing section, looking for a new BTS shirt with Hoseok's name on it for her to wear. After a few minutes of searching, you finally found what you were looking for and paid for it. You changed her shirt in the car before taking her to the studio.

Once you arrived, Chaeyoung jumps out of the car and runs inside with you quickly following. You quickly find the dance studio and she runs inside and gives Hoseok a huge hug. "Daddy!" She yells. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, sweetheart!" He says with a kiss on her cheek.

All the boys start surrounding her and introducing themselves. Taehyung picks her up. "Awww! Hi Chaeyoung! My name is Taehyung!"

She giggles. "Do you want to play with me?"

"Of course I do!" Taehyung says as he sets down Chaeyoung and starts chasing her around the studio. You smile when you see how well she gets along with the boys. After a while of Chaeyoung playing with the boys, their choreographer comes in and tells them they have to start practicing. Everyone says goodbye and Hoseok gives you and Chaeyoung a kiss. You smile, glad your life is finally back to normal.

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