Ignored ~ V

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"Can I get a fluffy Taehyung scenario where he is trying to get your attention away from the book your are reading? (Like you are too focused on reading that you ignore him) Thank You!"


You wait for your boyfriend, Taehyung, to get home from dance practice late one evening and cuddle up in your favorite chair with a good book. He walks through the door but you don't notice because you are so into the book.

"(Y/N)! I'm home!" Taehyung shouts and your nose quickly snaps out of the book.

"Hey, Tae. How was practice?" You give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Fine. Very tiring. I'm going to go shower." He makes his way into the bathroom and closes the door.

You turn back to your book and get drawn into the story. When Taehyung walks out of the bathroom with wet hair and only a towel wrapped around his lower half, you don't notice. "Hey, jagi, have you seen my clothes?" He asks in a seductive voice. You don't hear him because you're too into your book and continue reading.

Taehyung comes and sits down on the arm of the chair you're sitting in. You don't realize he's there and you turn the page of your book. "(Y/N)? Are you mad at me or something? How come you're ignoring me?" Taehyung whines.

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm just busy reading this amazing book." You say without looking up from the pages.

"But jagiiii! I want to spend time with you and I want you to pay attention to me!" He whines again. You roll your eyes playingly and continue reading your book.

He starts singing softly and you can't help but smile at the amazing voice that pulls you out of the book you're reading. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind and kisses your cheek. "Okay, fine! You're too cute for me to ignore." You pull him done into the chair next to you and kiss his cheek.

He gives you a cheeky smile. "I knew I could get you to pay attention to me!" You playfully slap his chest and cuddle up against him.

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