Part Of The Group ~ BTS Imagine

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"Hey, I don't really know BTS but I listen to their music and know the members. Can you write a short fic where the reader is the only female member of the group? You don't have to if you don't want to!"


You hear you phone ring and you run to answer it. You have been training with bighit for a while now and was told that you would be put in a group soon. You quickly answer the phone. "Hello?" You say eagerly.

"(Y/N)? Good news! We have found a spot for you in a new group called Bangtan Sonyeondan, or BTS for short. There will be seven other members around the same age as you. We will need you to come down to the studio to discuss the group."

"Okay! Thank you so much for this opportunity! I'll see you soon!" You hang up and quickly get dressed. You head over to the studio and you quickly run inside. You make it up to the manager's office to find seven boys messing around with each other.

"Welcome, (Y/N)! Meet the other members of your new group! This is Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. Together you will make up the group, Bangtan Sonyeondan, or BTS for short." The manager says.
You look around at all of them and they smile at you. "Hi, (Y/N)! How about you tell us a little about yourself!" Jin says as he gets up and offers you his seat.

You thank him and sit down. "Well I'm seventeen. I love singing and dancing, even though I'm not the best at dancing and in my free time I usually draw or write music."
"If you ever need help with your dancing, I'd love to help you!" Hoseok says excitedly.

You smile and thank him as Jin ruffles your hair. "We'd all do anything for our little maknae! If you're ever hungry you come and find me and I'll make you your favorite foods."

"I'm so happy you're part of this group now! There's finally someone younger than me! I've always wanted a little sister!" Jungkook says.

You giggle and the boys all "awwww" at you. "Let's get you settled into the dorm, shall we?" Namjoon suggests and you nod. They quickly run out to the car and Jimin holds your hand on the way out. They drive to your house and quickly pack up all the things you will absolutely need and take you to the dorm. They all help carry your things in and take you to your room. "So who is gonna room with (Y/N)?" Taehyung asks.

"Yoongi will room with her. He will be the one who will distract her the least when she needs some alone time." Jin tells the boys. The maknae line looks a little upset at first, but they soon forget when you suggest that they should play video games with you.

After a month of living in the dorm, you have settled in and become part of the family. You don't mind being the baby of the family, in fact, you really enjoy it. The boys are always there for you whenever you have a problem, need help with choreography, or need someone to spend time with.

The boys all adore you, especially Yoongi. Whenever you're around there's a huge smile on his face. Yoongi loves having you around to protect and take care of because you're like his little sister. Whenever you travel with the boys, they always make sure you are protected from the crowding fans before they are.

Sometimes their protection can be a curse. Whenever they see you talking to a guy, they come over and intervene. They can't stand the idea of you ever being with a boy.

After a long day of practice, you ask to talk to them. "Guys, I love all of you and I'm glad you are like my brothers, but sometimes I need a little space. I understand you all want to protect me and everything, but I want to be able to talk to guys without having one of my brothers scaring them away."

"You're too young for a boyfriend." Yoongi says sternly.

"But Yoongiiiii, I'm seventeen." You say giving him your cutest puppy dog face. You suddenly see his face fall soft.

"I know. You should be older and more comfortable with our work schedule before you get a boyfriend. And our managers prefer us to be single."

"At least let me talk to boys, please?"

"Fine, our little heartbreaker." He ruffles your hair and pulls you into a hug. "Now lets get you home."


Would you want a part 2? I'll write one if you enjoy this! Let me know what you think! Thanks!

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