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[A/N: This is just a short dark story, maybe seven chapters only but It'll have 4k or 5k or more words; chapter one to ending. Trigger warnings ahead; gore, violence, expect that. The prologue and the epilogue will be Yuichiro's Point of View while the other chapters will be the Third Person's P.O.V,

I'm not really fluent in English and it's not my first language so sorry for the grammatical errors. Please correct me if I have errors or mistakes, it's okay! Constructive criticism is always welcome, feel free to vote and to comment.

Enjoy reading, btw! :D

Edit ( 09/18/2021) please don't expect happy ending, y'all only get disappointed ]

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Love? What is Love? What is the real meaning of it? What is exactly Love to you? To us? To me? Love? I think many of you keeps believing that Love is a feeling of strong affection for a person, it's a warm attachment, enthusiasm; or well as known— unconditionally sentiment for a person.

People considered that Love can make us happy, that it can make us complete. They said, it can light our world up.

No, you're wrong, they were wrong.

Because for me, what people knows about Love is completely different from my perspective. I used to believe what are your beliefs, what their belief about Love— until I met him.

He changed everything.

For me; Love is a strong devotion for a person— that can turn into an obsession and a path through insanity.

It didn't complete me, it broke me so many times and I know— that it will just continue to break me, not just mentally— but also physically.

Love didn't light my world up, all I can see was dark— everywhere, anywhere, where ever I'm laying my eyes on. I always believe that I'll able to see the end of night, but I'm slowly accepting the fact that there's no signs, no lights, and just a messed all around. He's the reason I want to give up, the reason I couldn't help myself but to slowly swallow the truth that there's no hope; the case to kill my last and only hope.

His love for me just bide to grow worse and worse.

Love is sick, Love is unwell, Love is foolish, Love is insane.

I snapped back into the reality as I chewed my lower lip the moment I heard the basement door cracked opened, my heart started to race faster; not because of the Love that we usually feels toward with our loved ones— but because of the feelings of fear and anxiety flowing within me.

I heard the footsteps walked in front of me, I'm too tired to glare at him, too weak to move, unable to say a word. I felt his hand touched my chin and tilted my head up, my eyes were too heavy as well but I managed to directly stare at him with my strong vivid green eyes. I saw a pair of oceanic familiar blue eyes, those sapphire eyes and he had an insane look in his eyes, while a smirk was playing on his lips.

"Hello, Yu-chan!" He cheerfully greeted me, like he usually do everyday. "I hope you rest well today because later on— we will proceed on our daily activities!" I squeezed my eyes shut when he said those things to me, I want to scream out loud, I want to get out from this hell hole but I know— I can't get away from him.

I am Yuichiro Amane, this is my story with my obsessive, psychotic former lover and his Insanity Love for me.

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