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Chapter 5

"Mika, I don't know what to do!" Kota hesitated as he cupped his own face with both of his palms, he looks so frustrated and haven't gotten to sleep since yesterday. It's their break time today, they're sitting on the bench at the back of their school since Kota don't want people surrounding him for a while. He's got a big problem, his older brother; Yuichiro Haykuya is missing, he didn't come home since yesterday. Kota already asked Yu's friends but they also didn't know, they tried calling him but no use. His parents are worried sick, all of them. Guren and Shinya were planning that if Yu hasn't been home later, they will file a report on the police.

"What if he just go somewhere and didn't tell anyone about this?" The blond wondered and tried to cheer him up but Kota quickly shook his head as a sign of disagreement, his eyes were teary.

"He wouldn't, he'll tell us immediately whenever he's going somewhere and probably, he's with Shinoa or his other friends but this time— they didn't know where did he go as well." Kota answered, sighing heavily at the same time.

"Maybe, not today?" Mika commented that's why Kota glanced at him for a second and pursed his lips, shaking his head again after that.

"No, Mika. I know him, he's my brother." Kota depended, chewing his lower lip and clutching his knees.

"Yeah, I know. But you guys had a fight, right? And you still haven't talked to him since then." Mikaela asked, shrugging both of his shoulders while asking those questions. Well, that's true. After they've fought, Kota doesn't have a plan to talk to him at all until he apologized for what he'd said to his best friend. But still, Yu has some strong pride, he couldn't say a word 'sorry for saying those things to Mika' but instead, it seems like he's depending those statements.

"But he's approaching me even I'm not talking to him." Kota said back as he bowed his head and played with his fingers, although he's still guilty about that.

"Maybe he's got tired doing that and wants you to have some space instead?" Mikaela questioned, which made him stun because his best friend got a point. Sure, Yuichiro would do that. But Kota's instincts telling him 'no', he'll give him a space but he's not like that. That's not Yu, he's always talking to him even it's just a nonsense things. He'll talk to him even Kota will just ignore him, he's annoying but an affectionate person.

"I don't know..." Kota utterly said, the thoughts inside his head left unspoken because he doesn't want to argue with the blond anymore about this matter.

"Kota, what if—" Mika stopped for a moment on what he's about to say, he then took a deep breath and continued all along. Looking straightly at Kota then mumbled. "What if he runs away?"

"Why would he? No, he wouldn't do that!" Kota raised his voice and gasped in shock with his eyes widened, he gazed upon him as Mika can see that his expression looks unsettled.

"No offense but I've noticed your brother looks depressed these days, haven't you beholden?" Mikaela put his hand on his shoulder and asked those with his bothered face, Kota bit his lower lip.

"It's impossible, Mika." Kota muttered in disbelief. "My brother isn't like that, he wouldn't do such thing as that."

"Nah, forget about that. I'm sorry for saying those things, okay? Don't worry, Kota. I'm just paranoid, don't mind me. I'm sure you'll see him soon, he'll be back." Mikaela slowly formed his lips into a smile as he patted his best friend's back, trying to comfort him and do his best to make him worry less. "I'm going to help you find him if not."

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