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Chapter 2

The blond was looking outside the window, wondering around as he couldn't stop smiling at himself. He's at the school right now and obviously, his mind was flying away whilst his teacher was discussing in front of their class. It's okay though, because he's smart and he already knows what the teacher is explaining. Usually, he's lazy to go to school because it's the same old boring day and he already studied what they're teaching but now, it's different. He can feel like he's always motivated everyday, even though there's a lot of school works that they were doing. He tapped his pen on his arm chair while humming quietly, resting his elbow at the table. He placed his hand on his left cheek, continuing to stare at the exterior. It feels so good to be inspired going to school and study hard just because he wants to see who he desires to be seen, he thought that the school isn't bad after all.

Class time is over, break time afterward. It excites Mikaela because he can finally going to see him again inside the cafeteria, he hopes he's there with his friends. Mika fixed his things up and put those inside his bag, closing it after that. He glanced back to approach Kota, who was currently sleeping on his arm chair. He stood up and slightly tapped his best friend's back, whispering something to wake him up.

"Hey, Kota, wake up." The blond mumbled as Kota sat up straightly but slowly, rubbing both of his eyes with both of his hands. "Goodness, Kota. You fell asleep again."

"Yeah, what's new? Math is hella boring." He commented that's why Mika giggled, shaking his head.

"Come on, let's eat." Mikaela suggested, Kota nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's go." Kota stood up as they walked together through the cafeteria, wanting to eat some snacks.

As they passed the way toward the canteen, most of the students were approaching Mikaela which kinda annoys him. He wanted to be peaceful whenever he go just like how things used to be, he doesn't even know why he became popular in this school. He scratched his forehead, sighing heavily in a slight annoyance. He suddenly gasped in his place when he glanced up like he'd seen a famous actor. He literally stopped from walking as his eyes glowed when he saw whom he coveted to see since he attended the school this morning, it's the ravenette haired boy with a pair of beautiful emerald eyes. Suddenly, his mood was being replaced with joy. It's Yuichiro, his dear senpai.

"Onii-san!" Kota called out as Yu quickly looked at them, probably when he heard the familiar voice which came from his little brother. Mikaela's heart beat became unstable again when their eyes met, the ravenette looked back at Kota while his walking forward to them with his squad.

"Hey, you two..." Yu cleared his throat, peeking a quick look at the blond. Mikaela blushed at the sight, they both looked away from each other without letting the others to notice.

"Hey, Kota! It's been a while!" The purple haired girl exclaimed, named Shinoa Hiragi; Yuichiro's best friend. To be honest, most of the girls were jealous of her because she's with Yuichiro every time. They've used to bully her also, Yuichiro was so furious when he found out about that. It was just like what happened to Kota, now, they're both peaceful from bullies everywhere. They even thought that Shinoa and Yu were already going out. But in reality, Yu seen her as his best friend only.

"Good to see you, Shinoa-senpai. By the way guys, he's my best friend; Mikaela Shindo." Kota greeted back as he pointed out the blond beside him then introduced him to his big brother's friends, it seems like all of them are nice and approachable; Mikaeala said to himself. Glad they already know who is Mikaela, probably because he's popular. Mika just hopes he'll get along with them soon, 'cause he wants to fit in. After they made a little chitchat, Yuichiro and his friends decided to go back to their classroom.

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