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Chapter 3

Mika and Yu went into the supermarket to buy some stuffs for the blond's house, they suddenly met two of Yu's childhood friends while walking there. It's been a long time since Yuichiro had saw them, so he's really glad to see these girls again. The girls asked Yuichiro's number the moment they had a little chitchat, they want to talk to him even more. They were happy as well to see Yu after all these years. The ravenette doesn't want to be mean so he gave his email address, smiling after that to show his kindness to them. Mikaela on the other hand, was really aggravated on the situation at that moment.

When they got home, Yuichiro go to the bathroom for a second and when he came back, he just saw the blond holding his phone and reading messages in the inbox of it again; to check if they're messages from those girls, which annoyed the hell out of him because he couldn't get his own privacy when it comes off to his boyfriend. The black velvet haired boy made face, stomping his left hand onto the wall to catch his lover's attention. He was so pissed right now, he doesn't know how to calm down. He bit his lower lip, sighing heavily. It feels like he doesn't have a trust on him to look at his phone every damn time. All of what his doing was being monitored by Mikaela, and it's really uncomfortable.

"Mika, what is wrong with you?" Yu snapped and took his phone away from him, he's trying to be calm as much as possible. Mikaela glanced up at him, he looks mad. "Why are you always messing with my stuff? Can I please have some of my privacy?"

"You really asked me that? What is wrong with me? And you even asked me for your privacy? Oh, God." His lover questioned back in sarcastic way, he sneered. "You were entertaining those girls even I was in front of you, that's unbelievable!"

"They're my childhood friends, Mika." Yu responded, he's remaining his composure.

"So what?! Is that your excuse for flirting with them, huh?!" The blond exclaimed as Yuichiro parted his mouth in disbelief, Mika just doubted him for what he's doing?

"What?" He spoke out, shaking his head in disagreement.

"You heard me, don't play dumb!" Yu irritably ran his fingers through his hair when Mikaela exclaimed it. Yuichuro turned around, wanting to let it be and ignore Mika so that it won't lead into a big misunderstanding. When he was about to walk away, his lover pulled back his arm. "Speak when you're spoken to!"

"For fuck's sake, Mika! I'm not a goddamn idiot, so stop treating me like one! I know what I'm doing, and you know what?" He cut off for a moment, but then continued all along. "Of course, I will go talk to them! It's normal, you're the only one who's assuming that! I ain't flirting anybody or anything so don't throw shit like that to me like I am the one who's fucking wrong here!" The ravenette blustered, he couldn't help it anymore, it's too much to handle. Mikaela's eyes widened, he can't believe it. Usually, Yu is understanding and he's always so gentle to him even if sometimes they were having a small fight over things because of Mikaela's stubbornness. But now, Yuichiro yelled at him. He yelled at Mikaela.

"So I'm the one who's wrong here?! It is bad to feel jealous when someone is checking you out?!" Mikaela shouted back, eyebrows were both twitched.

"Nobody is checking me out, they're just talking to me! Don't you get that?!" Yu massaged his forehead after shouting that, the edge of his eyes became teary.

"Why's that you're against me? It's because you like those two girls, huh?! You fall out of love with me, didn't you? Is that it?!" Mikaela pushed Yu's chest, he's really paranoid about these kind of aspects.

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