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[ A/N: Merry Christmas, guys! And a happy new year, this is my simple present for the readers of I.L. Reminder; this is the darkest chapter of this story, so heads up! It will trigger some of you, if you can't handle it skip those parts or don't just read all of this lmao. Another story that I've finished, I'm so proud of it! Another info, the deal that Yu was talking about here was he will satisfy Mika with sexual activity, obey him and follow his orders so that Mika will treat him better in exchange. For those who doesn't know, but it was obvious so yeah. Still, enjoy reading!

I have new story, if you're interested; feel free to visit my profile. It was entitled 'Sapphires Affection', give it a try!

By the way, thank you so much for reading this story! You guys are the best! Thank you thank you thank you for the lovely comments, for the votes, for the amazing feedbacks! I love you all so much, y'all inspire me to finish this. I'm so sorry by the way for the lame or for the boring chapters, again, arigato! I love you all! See you! :* <3 ]

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Eighty five.

Eighty five days since I've gotten here, good to know I still grasped what the day is or what's the weather today. I was staring at the exterior of the window, mesmerizing the beauty of every bird outside that were flying up above. They're flying so high like they're owning the sky, their peaceful and free as well. I bet the winds are refreshing, like how the heat of the sun was relaxing in the eyes. I'm glad I'm able to see this sight, even in the situation like this. I continued gazing upon the birds, looking at them is kinda part of my daily hobbies, like everyday. I smiled bitterly at myself, insecurities inside of me started to take over as usual. I don't know why but it's make me sad, I don't know either why it's so painful watching them at the same time. Affliction, maybe. I don't know why I'm still continuing watching them even if I feel that way, for being so insecure that sometimes I'm hoping that I wish I can be like them. I mean no— not just sometimes, every damn time. I'm hoping that I can do whatever I want to do, I am peaceful and most specially; I have my freedom as a human being.

This whole situation was totally unfair to be honest, none of us deserve this. If this is a punishment for what I've done to those girls that I've hurt, then it's totally bullshit. I'd rather be dead than not being able to live just like everyone else, they're free out there; wasting their own happy lives while me? I'm suffering, I'm drowning here. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has flaws, right? Nobody's perfect, nobody else will be. Then why me? Why I am the only one? Why can't I have those too? Why I am stuck here? Why I am trapped? Just, why?

I looked away from the window and directed my vision onto the door when I heard footsteps coming from none other than him, he's got home already? I cringed when I saw him entering the room, give me a break. He smiled seeing me and walked towards me, he greeted me and kissed the top of my forehead. I didn't flinch nor say anything, I just stared at him. He started to untangle the rope that was tightened around on both of my hands and foot, which were being attached to an each corner of the bed. It sucks, isn't it? Being tied to the bed everyday, not able to do anything other than sleeping, wondering, staring at my own surroundings, peeing in the sheet and sometimes, having a mental breakdown just by thinking of the situation I'm in.

After we made a deal, he began to treat me better. He allowed me to wonder around his apartment, just like he'd stated. I almost had a little hope back then, to plan on fleeing but he immediately took that away the moment when I saw and realized the he put a railings on every window of this apartment. He even replaced those glasses with even stronger, bolder and a soundproof glasses. The front door was secured with so many padlocks inside (when he's home) and outside (when he's not home) the door just like I've seen when I tried to escape months ago, like I'm some criminal in the prison that who badly wants to escape. He's still not satisfied with it though, he is even tying me on the bed just to make sure that I won't go away when he's attending school or going out to do his part-time job. When he's home, he was untying me, giving me foods and letting me anywhere inside the apartment.  

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