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SWEATS RUNNING, DRIPPING DOWN MY NECK, I was running home, leaving Tessa confused. I'll have to explain to her later.




It can't happen again-Hell no. That ass had the nerve to come back in to my life.

'You thought wrong, you don't know who I am anymore.'

Flushed and my face probably red as a tomato, as the front door to my house open I yell out, unable to control my hands shaking, "mom... H-he's back!!"

My family all ran to the stairs, knowingly but my brother thinking shit like this is funny says, "hell, where's my phone this is FUNNY!!"

"Phil! This is not funny", my mom slaps him on the shoulders with disappointment on her face and runs to me, giving me a promising hug. I always loved this kinds of hug. Only some would understand...

"Honey, this is awfully-"

"Mom, what are we g-going to do?"

"What we did last time but get rid of him for good this time."

That's not possible, mom- I want to say to her.

"You'll never have to worry about Will again." My mom sooth me. I quickly show her the text from my phone.

"Princess?", Mom reads the message and looks up to me in confusion.

Me and Will were good friends, first it was just me and him. He was 2 years older but we didn't care because he got held back a couple of years for unknown reasons. But after 7th grade, Blake came along. The fact that Will wasn't the guy my attention was now on or as much focused on..

He became-

Will would always find any flaws in a guy I liked and would feed me with their imperfection as if the gossip are coins and I'm the coin slot. I let that one go.. 'Cos I knew Will was 'watching' out for me.

However, then came Jason and Damien. Things turn drastically south. I finally found my sense and stop hanging with Will. He didn't take that 'No' well- at all.

'Princess, they don't know you like I do.. we were supposed to be together',

was his last words until he turned from 'watching' out for me to creepy stalker watching from far away. You may ask 'haven't you done something about it?', we did. Will went to jail when the police went searching in his house and he had a bunch of pictures- No, it wasn't only of me he was stalking but also the people I socialize with.

After my last experience, Will was pretty smart with his electronics, "Mom, it's not going to be easy. He could be listening to our conversation on our phone for all we know."

"For the best right now, just act normal and show us anything more he texts you. Okay?", act normal?

"How am I supposed to act normal, dad."

"She's right honey, we need-",

"What can we do? The police won't do anything, he only texted her but no evidence he's stalking her or such."

"He was a crack-head or something", Phil butts in with his annoying personality.

He never bloody cares!!

"SHUT UP, Phillip-", he always hate when anyone, especially me call him by his full name. "-OR I WILL BEA-", "Sintra.." my mom warns, "-beat your ass-et".

My brother smiles, thinking he won. "Oh Philip, I hope Mariana will give me back my clothes soon- you know after you guys went.." his face turns red and he swallows the lump in this throat.

"The both of you better run upstairs and be thankful me and your father will forget what you guys spilled..Now!"

Me and my brother both runs upstairs pushing each other on our way up, 'ha you're only a year older'. Sense Phil's room is next to mine I slam my bed room extra hard to get some random stuff in his bedroom wall to fall off. 3..2..1.. "SINTRA YOU LILTTLE CHEEKY SNITCH!!", ahhh his complaints are like music to my ears.

But even my playfulness could not take my mind off of Will. "I hope you're not being stupid, Will" I say quietly, deep in my thoughts.

*ding* my phone goes off. What the hell?

Unknown: I won't, the only one I'm worried about is you.

What does he mean by this, and I knew that son of a snitch programmed my phone. *ding*

Unknown: it's simple just play by my rules- then you'll finally see who is your real friend, princess.

Defiantly not you, you're right I would be stupid to listen to 'you', I thought and threw my phone on my bed. I think I'm done for the day..

Will back at it again with the stalking...
Thanks for reading and I've totally changed this whole book so oh 🐳 ...

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