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You're finish up house chores when your phone rings. You see the caller ID and smile.

"Yeobsayeo?" You put your vacuum away. You can hear shuffling in the background along with deep throated chuckles. Jiyong clears his throat before answering.

"____! What are you up to?" He asks you in his aegyo voice.
You giggle at his teasing.

"I've just finished cleaning. Why? You okay?" You hear more shuffling then rattles on the phone like the mic is rubbing against fabric. "Yeobsayeo?"

"Hey sexy!" A deep, throaty voice says as you hear Jiyong yelling in the background. You breath hitches and your pulse quickens when you hear Seunghyun's voice.

"Oppaaaa... quit teasing. What's going on?" You walk to your bedroom, about to grab your outfit for the day. You hear his deep chuckle that makes shivers go down your spine and your womanhood quiver.

"What are you wearing?" You hear Jiyong in the background yell at him.

"Yah! Be respectful man! I'm sorry, ____!" Jiyong yells in the background to you. You're pretty sure that Seungri is holding him back since he hasn't grabbed for his phone.

Well, you think to yourself, two can play at that game.

"Well, oppa," you say in a sexy voice. You can hear Seunghyun breathe a small groan, "I'm about to take off all of my clothes and wash my very dirty body." You giggle at the end and blush. You know flirting like this is very dangerous with Seunghyun. You've never been with Seunghyun but you have seen it a couple times, the beast inside the cage, when he would look at you.

"Aigoo, you're safe right now because I'm not there. You just wait." You can hear the shuffling again on the phone and Jiyong's voice is on the other end.

"What did you say to hyung? He's red and looks a little angry. I'm sorry he talked to you that way."

"Oh I just gave him a little teasing back. Haha, gwenchana Jiyong oppa. Why are you calling?"

"Well, we are finally finished with initial training and about to go to lunch, would you like to join us?"
I smile broadly with just a hint of mischief going through my mind.

"Of course oppa. Let me get ready and you can text me the address. Can we catch up on our show?"

"Oh ne! TOP hyung has it at his place. He became interested too. I think he's at the same spot we are."

"Ok. Bye!" You hang up and look at the outfit you picked and have second thoughts on wearing it. Your phone dings and you see Jiyong's text.

____, we will be there in an hour to pick you up. Wear your red cocktail dress. I know you're second guessing your clothes. :)

You chuckle as you do as he says. Jiyong knows you so well. You grab your black sexy lengerie and black heels before walking into the bathroom to get ready.

When you're putting the finishing touches on your hair and makeup, you take a look at yourself and snicker. Knowing Jiyong for over 20 years has had it's benefits. You've been friends since childhood and became very close when BIGBANG soared in popularity. You realized when he went on his first tour and you didn't see him for a few months that you were in love with him. When they returned, you have felt tormented since then. When they busted through your door and tackled you, you realized you loved every single one of them and not in a fangirl way, but in a confused way. You couldn't decipher if you loved them like brothers or more. So you just accepted your feelings for them and kept it to yourself.
Your phone bings again bringing you back to the present. This time it's from Seunghyun.

I'm coming up. I can't wait to see the dress Jiyong talked about.

You look one last time at yourself then quickly grab your matching handbag and go to the door to put on your heels. As soon as you get them on, you hear your doorbell. Your heart skips a beat and you place your hand on your chest to force it to slow down and take a deep, shaky breath. You open the door and the first thing you see is his eyes peering over his sunglasses with that beast prowling yet again. His sexy smile makes you think he can see you naked right now.

"Eager to see me?" You can hear in his voice that he probably ran up the steps. You hear the door open at the end of the hall and the others laughing and yelling. He pushes gently on your stomach and closes the door behind him. Your stomach is on fire from his touch and the room suddenly became hotter being alone with him. He grabbed your wrist and turned you to the door.

"Only seconds, but you were very naughty." He grabs your ass to push your womanhood to his crotch. You gasp when you feel his hard member and he took that opportunity to kiss you, quickly attacking your mouth with his tongue. You moan loudly into the kiss and start to feel yourself getting wet when there's a knock on the door and you hear them laughing merrily.

Seunghyun pulls back and looks into your eyes.

"I've wanted to do that for too long. I hope to do more soon." You blush a deep red as he pulls you back behind him to open the door. You quickly readjust yourself as the door opens.

The boys go quiet and you try to hide the lust you feel at seeing them all looks so damn good. Your eyes go to Jiyong last and you quickly look down and blush when you see his look of jealousy. He turns his eyes to Seunghyun and sees the irritation from them being interrupted.

"Yah!" Jiyong yells at him before reaching forward for your wrist.

Finding Love In BigbangWhere stories live. Discover now