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"You okay?" Jiyong asks you as he pulls you closer. You turn to see Seunghyun still standing in the doorway of your apartment, one of his hands clenches together in a tight fist. You look in his eyes and there's a small flash of the beast before he pushes his sunglasses back and smiles. I look back at the others.

"He was just helping me get the gifts I have for you guys. For congratulating you on your album success. Oppa, they are on the table in the kitchen."

Seunghyun turns after a moment and comes back with 5 medium sized gift bags. As he passes out the other four, they become excited.

"Let's wait until the restaurant to open them, we have gifts for you, too." Seunghyun first bows gratefully for the gift, the others quickly follow. You bow back and Seungri wraps his arms around your waist to pull you down the hall to the elevator. You squeal in surprise, while the others laugh. After having Seunghyun's hand on your stomach and the kiss earlier, your skin is so sensitive to Seungri's touch that when he turns you around he is slightly surprised to see the lust in your eyes.

"Noona, having dirty thoughts, are we?" He asks quietly as the others file in, already in their own conversation. You lower your eyes to try and collect yourself.

"An-ani!" You stutter out then grimace. Get ahold of yourself. You think to yourself. By the time the elevator dings and all of you head towards the van, you have complete control over yourself. I wonder why Seunghyun acted that way. You fall into a conversation with Youngbae and those thoughts float away.

When you arrive at the restaurant, you get excited because it's international cuisine. Usually, you guys go to a high end Korean restaurant. You grab Daesung's arm and he sees your excitement, so he teases you by squealing like a girl. You push his cheek to the side and giggle before taking Youngbae's arm too. You have them escort you inside.

"Kwon, please." Jiyong slips 500,000 won to the host and mumbles something to him.

"Right this way, please." He motions and has everyone follow him to a private room in the back.

Daesung pulls aside and motions for you to sit in the middle of the booth. You see Seunghyun quickly slide on the other side so he can sit next to you. Youngbae on your other.

Oh my. I think I'm in trouble. You begin to worry, but you hope to distract Seunghyun with the presents.

"Please, open your presents." You push his bag closer to him. They become excited as they open the bags. You hold your hands together, hoping they will like them.

"Omo, this was from our vacations!" Daesung is surprised, but you can tell he's touched. You had made mini albums of you with them each and as a group, from the vacations you had together along with some memorable selfies. Daesung hugs you first behind Youngbae then opens the book and laughs.

"Thank you, ____." Youngbae bows and motions for Seungri to get up. He starts bringing several presents out from behind the booth.

"Please accept our presents to you, also." Jiyong says as he pushes his presents forward.

"Oh!" You probably sound surprised to be getting presents, and you are but Seunghyun takes that opportunity to put his hand on your knee and squeeze. The electricity between you two is distracting. You look at him for only a second then look at every smiling face around the table. The waiter comes up and starts pouring champagne for all of you.

"You're welcome for your presents. I know you missed me as much as I missed you during tour, so I wanted to make scrapbooks for you to take with you to help give encouragement during your success." Your speech is echoes with agreement from the others and you start to open Jiyong's presents. The first one has a beautiful dress that is white with light earthy tones of flowers and a matching sweater and heels. This is why you have great fashion, he buys most of your clothes. The other present is smaller, the size of your palm. You open it to find a white gold necklace that has a small heart locket. The outside is designed with flowers and leaves.

"Open it." Jiyong encourages you.
You open the locket to see yours and his name enscribed in it. Your eyes become wet and you show it to the others. Seungri laughs teasingly.

"Just make it official already." He teases Jiyong, which makes you blush deep red and you grab for the champagne to take a sip. You slightly choke when Seunghyun's grip slightly tighten. Youngbae pats your back as Seunghyun grabs a water to make you drink.

"You okay,____?" Youngbae asks you, making you tear your eyes away from Seunghyun's smoldering look. After a sip of water, you regain your composure.

"Yes, thank you Oppa." You get the cutest eye smile that makes your heart melt. You knew Youngbae really loved hearing you call him Oppa. You turn back to Jiyong with tears in your eyes.

"I'm so touched by your gifts. Thank you, Jiyong Oppa." You bow in his direction to hear Seunghyun mutter for your ears.

"Who's touching you?"

You feel your cheeks getting warm when Seungri pushes his present to you.

"Me next! Me next!"

Your face gets hotter as the boys already start scolding him. You know Seungri's presents are always dirty. You feel material and luckily the waiter has gone to the kitchens. No one's in there except you guys. You pull out see through white bra, panties, and a teddy nightie. Seunghyun's hand travels to just under the hem of your dress and starts running circles with his pinky on your inner thigh.

"Byuntae." Jiyong scoffs at Seungri. Your face is beet red.

"This is very revealing." You try to think of what to say... luckily Seungri's next comment gives you an idea.

"I hope I got your measurements right, Noona. It took 2 months of staring at your pictures while we were tour to try to guess correctly."

You sit up straight and hold the teddy to your chest tightly. All the boys stop and stare at you as you look boldly at Seungri, who is sipping his water.

"Shall I try it on for you, jagiya?" I say in a husky tone. Seungri then aspirates on his water and starts coughing. He quickly grabs his champagne and downs it, filling it again to take another sip. Jiyong chuckles behind his hand while Youngbae and Daesung bust out in laughter and start to tease him. Seunghyun takes advantage of this and leans close to whisper.

"I think that should come with us tonight."

Finding Love In BigbangWhere stories live. Discover now