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This sudden change in Youngbae made you freeze. It seems Taeyang has taken over. You had only seen this transformation from sweet and loving Youngbae to sexy and domineering Taeyang when you were backstage with them getting ready for a performance. You grunt with each impact of his hips against yours as his thrusts start to go faster.

"Does it feel good?" Bae asks.

"Oh god yes!" You moan back and that seems to unfreeze you. Feeling his cock expanding inside of you every time he enters you, helps you adjust to his invasion.

Seungri is back to rubbing himself because I'm hearing him moan behind me. Ji is just sitting back with chocolate, eye fucking me. Dae is out of my line of vision and Seunghyun has not moved from the couch but you can see that beast starting to get impatient.
Bae does an intense thrust to get my attention back. I grin evilly at him.

Two can play that game. I thought to myself.

You see a hint of nervous Youngbae when he sees your expression, but then grins, accepting my challenge. His hands tighten on my hips for leverage and I bring my feet under me and my hands on either side of his head.

As if you were connected telepathically, you bring your hips up until just his tip is in and slam your hips down hard, just as he thrusts his up with equal force.

"Damn!" Bae yells and tries to push harder than I was. Each time I just slammed down harder. All you could hear in the room is Youngbae's curses and moans and our bodies slapping together. It seems everyone went silent from our competition or they just melted away.

"Ah, oppa. Faster." I moan and throw my head back. Bae groans loudly to your demand.

"What did you say?" Bae pants.

"Faster, fuuuuu-" You bite your lip to not curse. Seungri is rubbing your ass hole with his thumb. The new sensation threw you off but also awoken your senses again. You had never been fucked in the ass before but you suddenly wondered what it would feel like to have Seungri's cock in there while you were fucking Bae. That makes your pussy tighten at the thought, which Bae reacts to.

"No. Fuck! Call me oppa."

You start to feel your stomach tighten and you realize you're getting closer to cumming again.

"I'm sooo close." You whine in a high voice. Your bouncing on Bae's cock is getting sloppy. He brings his hands to your ass and holds you up over his cock and he deep thrusts continue. You sit up and grab your breasts, pinching your nipples. You feel Seungri start to apply pressure to your hole with his finger, slowly gaining entrance. The two different speeds holds you just on the cliff of esctacy.

"I said call me oppa. Cum for me, baby." Bae growled, his thrusts start to get sloppy. His words make you jump over the edge and Seungri adds another finger and fucks your ass hard.

"Ah! Oppa! Yes! Make me cum all over you. Your cock feels so good. Fill me with your hot cum please. I need to feel your cum shoot all over my walls!" Your filter is gone and you feel like your body is being ripped to pieces as your nerves explode. You slam your hips down on Seungri's hand and Youngbae's cock and grind hard on both.

"____!" Youngbae yells as he cums inside you. You feel the heat of his seed and Seungri doesn't move his hand, letting you move yourself over him and he groans when he feels your muscles pulse. You collapse on Youngbae's chest and both of your breathing is in sync as your pulsing heartbeats match in tempo.

"Damn, ____!" Seungri and Youngbae say at the same time. They laugh at each other and you shake from shadows of an orgasm because Youngbae's cock pulses inside you with his laughs, making your walls clench. You chuckle at their response as you moan slightly from the aftershocks. You sit up on Bae's lap after he pulls out of you and you start to realize there's a numbness starting at your hips and traveling down your legs, probably from never before usage of certain muscles. The orgasm is making you lightheaded too and when you sway a little, Seungri and Youngbae hold your shoulders to steady you.

"I don't think that was just me, but thank you. Um, I think I might need help up." Quickly Daesung and Seunghyun come up and help you up onto the couch. Jiyong hands you a bottle of water, seeing the perspiration starting on your forehead. You take a sip, find the strawberries and take one, popping it in your mouth hole and you lean your head back on the couch, enjoying the sweet juice releasing from it and trying to regain your had never experienced an orgasm like that before. Even when you would play with yourself. You are just so happy you came up with the courage to do this and so thankful that they are participating with you. Once you feel some normalcy come back you bring your face down to look at them and notice that Youngbae is putting his clothes on and Daesung is already dressed.

"Omo! Why are you getting dressed? Why are you dressed, Daesung?" Daesung chuckled and sat down next to you and gave you a kiss. His lips were soft and as he pulled away he bit your lower lip.

"You're a little succubus, aren't you?" He teased.

"It's almost time for dinner. So Dae and I are going to the market to grab food for dinner and let the rest of you have fun." Youngbae seems so much more relaxed than before this, like I broke down a few protective layers and had been accepted completely by him.

"Okay." You try to stand and but your legs shake. Youngbae rushes to you and pushes you back down gently.

"____, don't get up. Just relax. We'll be back soon." He brings your hand to his mouth and kisses it lightly. "Thank you."

He and Daesung stepped out and you notice the other three are hard at work. The bedding had disappeared along with Seungri, you saw Jiyong in the kitchen cleaning the dishes as Seunghyun was bringing all the food and drinks back in there. When he see Seungri first, you pout at him.

"Why did you put those away? Are we done with this? I thought-" Seungri cut you off by kissing you roughly, setting the robe down next to the couch and grabbing the sides of your face. He started to become softer with his kisses, taking your breath away at the sudden change. You always thought Seungri to be a rough, dirty, dominating person. You never expected him to be soft and tender and loving.

"Byuntae, can we not start here?" Jiyong asks and that makes Seungri pull away.

"She thought we were done with our little fun time and started to get upset so I calmed her down." Seungri said to Jiyong.

"So... we aren't finished oppa?" You're a little dazed from the kiss but starting to get hopeful.

"Oh ____. We are definitely not done. We just thought to take this to the bedroom since there isn't so many of us. Also when Youngbae and Daesung come back it wouldn't be so distracting for them to cook dinner." Jiyong comes to the other side of you and they help you stand up.

Seunghyun comes in and grabs the robe to help you in it. When they try to help you walk your legs collapse under you. Seunghyun quickly slides his arms under your shoulders and legs and carries you bridal style. You hide your face in his chest from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I guess my legs are still shaky." You feel him walking up the steps.

"It's okay jagiya." You feel your heartstrings pull when you hear Seunghyun call you honey.

"Yeah, this makes it even more romantic for all of us." You hear Jiyong say behind you. You peer over Seunghyun's shoulder and see Jiyong. The look in his eyes are a look you haven't seen before. Vulnerable, tender, loving. You give the exact same look at him and he smiles back, the walls back up on his emotions and he gives you a playful wink.

"Here we are." Your turn to Seungri's voice and see him open the door. You gasp when you see the room set up.

Finding Love In BigbangWhere stories live. Discover now