Chapter 4

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"That was the scariest zombie movie I've ever seen and the longest one too it's six-thirty already." I say with a laugh trying not to let my slight paranoia show (I get so scared that I end up paranoid but I love to scare myself).

"That movie was bad ass I'm glad we picked that one. How are you feeling?" He asks taking my hand in His as we walk to His car.

"I feel okay, why do you ask?" I say as I feel the breeze slightly moving my hair into my face.

"You're jumpy and keep looking over your shoulder like someone's after you" He chuckles and I blush.

"Damn I didn't think you'd notice that... I'm kinda paranoid right now that movie was that scary it's fuckin with me." He stops walking and hugs me tightly and I hug Him back.

"I'll protect you from everything Laicey don't worry I'll make sure nothing and no one gets you." I look up at Robbie and smile, He smiles back at me.

"Thank you Robbie that means...." I'm cut off by someone running up to us and they scare me causing me to scream and hold onto Robbie tighter and hide my face in His chest.

"Dude not cool at all what the fuck is your problem Keith!?" Robbie yells at the person.

"Sorry bro I couldn't help it I saw you coming out of the theater and just had to do it. I'm sorry Miss." Keith says gently putting His hand on my shoulder but I don't say anything due to the fact I'm so scared at the moment.

"She's shaking now thanks a lot Keith you're such an asshole." Robbie says sounding pissed.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare Her that badly... Wait don't you work at the rock café lounge?" Keith asks and I nod my head.

"She was freaked out before you almost caused Her heart to explode. Don't do that again man or I'll kick your ass next time." Robbie says while still holding me in His protective embrace.

"I won't man I promise calm down. I thought you looked familiar I'm Keith one of Robbie's good friends its nice to meet you." Keith says holding His hand out and I shake it while still hugging Robbie.

"Nice to meet you too I'm Laicey Valo." I say with a shaky voice as I try to wipe the tears away that have fallen without Robbie seeing but He notices... Nothing gets passed Him.

"I should punch you in the mouth right now Keith!" Robbie quietly yells at Him and I feel His breathing quicken and His heart beat faster.

"She cried thanks to you. You're a dick dude." Robbie says shaking His head.

"Awe I'm really sorry Laicey I didn't mean to scare you so badly." Keith says sounding sincere.

"It's okay next time I'm punching you in the face though. Just a warning." I say with a small laugh and He chuckles.

"Understood. It won't happen again I promise." Keith says and then looks at Robbie.

"You still coming over to play poker tonight?" Robbie shakes His head.

"Sorry man not tonight Friday night though I'll be over." Robbie gently rubs my back which helps calm me down even more.

"Alright bro see you Friday and it was really nice to meet you outside of your work and I'm seriously sorry for scaring you." Keith says and I smile.

"It's okay Keith don't worry about it and it was nice to meet you too." He leaves and it's now just Robbie and I again. We look at each and smile.

"I'm sorry about Keith He's an overgrown man child. Are you feeling any better?" He asks placing His left hand on my face while keeping His right arm around my waist.

"I'm a lot better now thank you for protecting me from your overgrown man child friend." I say with a laugh.

"Anything for you Laicey." He kisses my cheek and we then get in His car and go to dinner. When we arrive I see its Red Lobster He's taking me to.

"You're kidding right?" I say with a look of disbelief on my face.

"No why? Do you not like Red Lobster?" He asks as He turns the car off.

"No I love it but it's really expensive." I say unbuckling myself and He laughs.

"It's well worth it trust me." He then gets out and opens my door for me.

"I'm helping with the bill I just gotta I'll feel bad if you pay the whole thing." He laughs and shakes His head.

"This is truly a first no girl I've taken out has ever volunteered to pay half the bill before. Definitely a nice change." He says with a smile while taking my hand in His.

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