Chapter 7

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"You two are mean." I tell Curtis and Taylor and they just chuckle at me.

"It's nice to see you this way again it's been a year and a half since you even went out with someone." Taylor says sitting down at the counter while Curtis gets Her a French Vanilla iced coffee.

"Well you two know why I haven't went out for so long." I say while straightening up around the place.

"Yes we know, first it was that you were getting over your break up with douche face and then once you did you were focusing on living your life and turning down every single guy who asked you out cause you said they didn't live up to your standards." Curtis says to me as He refills the coffee machine.

"Yeah and look at how much I've accomplished while remaining single for as long as I did." I tell them and they nod.

"You did accomplish a lot and we're very proud of you for doing all of it." Taylor says with a smile.

"It's also nice to see you smile again Laicey you deserve to be with someone to fill your other needs yah know." Curtis says with a shitty grin on His face and I laugh.

"You're such a perv Curtis. So what are you two doing today?" I ask wanting the subject to change and fast.

"Curtis is taking me to a concert though He won't tell me who's playing." She says and Curtis grins.

"You'll love it trust me I just know you will." He then kisses Her and She just smiles at Him. It's finally time for my shift to end so I go clock out and head home. Once home I get a nice surprise waiting for me at my door, it's Robbie smiling while holding a dozen black and red roses.

"A dozen roses for each time I thought of you today after I left the cafe lounge." He says as He hands the flowers to me and I feel myself blushing as well as my heart beating a million times faster than it should and those damn butterflies are back. I smell the roses and smile.

"Awe Robbie thank you so much they're beautiful, no ones ever done this before it's so sweet." I tell Him as He hugs me then kisses my cheek.

"They're not as beautiful as you though and I just wanted to show you not all guys are the same." He says as He takes my hand in His and kisses it.

"Such a gentleman, I love it. Would you like to come in?" I say with a smile and He nods and follows me inside. Once inside my phone rings.

"Heey lil sis how's your vacation going?" I say to my younger sister who lives right across from me.

"Hey big sis it's going great Marcus and I are so loving it in California, how's everything there, anything new happen?" Aubrey says and I laugh.

"I knew you and Marcus would love being there to bad you guys come back in a couple days to the shitty weather of Pennsylvania huh. Nothing really new happening well expect..." I'm cut off by Robbie saying Hey Laicey's lil sis.

"Who was that!?!" She says with curiosity thick in Her voice and I just can't help but laugh.

"That would be what's new, His names Robbie and we met yesterday after He spilt His cappuccino on me at work." I fill Her in quickly and she laughs.

"Well that's a nice way to introduce yourself to someone, He sounds hot. He is?" We both laugh as Marcus says Hey! In the background.

"Yeah I know right definitely original and yeah but more like gorgeous. I'm gonna head out I'll give you a call here in a few hours kay?" I tell Her not wanting to be rude by being on the phone while Robbie's here.

"Oooooh can't wait to meet Him and okay sis don't do anything I wouldn't do. Love yah." She says while laughing.

"Perv. I love yah too lil sis see you in a few days." And with that we both hang up. I turn around to find Robbie holding what looks like two tickets.

"What are those for?" I ask and He smiles.

"Movie passes. I thought well since we had such a good time yesterday you might wanna do it again." I grin and so does He.

"That's awesome what movie are we gonna see this time?" I ask while I head to my room to change into a beautiful hot pink and black corset top dress with my black high top converse.

"That remake of Carrie looks pretty good." He says leaning against my doorframe.

"That's perfect I've been dying to see it." I tell Him while I take my long hair out of the pony tail I had it in and brush it leaving it down.

"Good it's agreed then." He says while walking over to me then wrapping His arms around my waist and softly kissing me and I kiss Him back, it just feels so right like I feel I can trust Him with anything and I just met Him yesterday.

Love Story With Robbie AyalaWhere stories live. Discover now